DECKS AND PATIOS. Indiana 811 is an organization established to provide a communication link between excavators and operators of underground utilities. Homeowners often make risky assumptions about whether or not they should get their utility lines marked, but every digging job requires a call-even small projects like planting trees and shrubs. JULIE (Call Before You Dig) Dig safe, protect yourself and your family. LANDSCAPING. any type of digging. Call JULIE before you dig. Jun 25, 2015 - Call JULIE before you dig for safe digging in Illinios Illinois law requires that you call JULIE at 811 two business days before you dig. Published on April 14 2021 10:17 am Last Updated on April 14 2021 10:18 am April is National Safe Digging Month. J.U.L.I.E. Call JULIE before you dig Submitted by North Shore Gas . Call or click JULIE before you dig; Wait 2 business days; Respect the marks; Dig with care; Examples of common projects requiring notification to JULIE first: TREES AND SHRUBS. Sprinkler Systems . Facility Operators. JULIE is open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year and can be contacted at 1-800-892-0123 or by calling 811 to place a local request or In addition to electrical and natural gas lines, water, sewer and telecommunication lines also are marked. SWING SETS. Go to Julie will coordinate the location and marking of these utilities. It will all start with a free breakfast buffet with serving to begin at 7:30, followed by comments from those with the local FSA and NRCS offices, and then the JULIE Safety presentation. Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum or Gaseous Materials. Now that spring is in the air , homeowners thoughts are turning to landscaping and homeimprovement projects . The call is simple to make and the service is free. Every Time! Safe digging is everyone's responsibility. Ph: 800-892-0123; 24 hours a day - 7 days a week; Please allow 48 hours (two working days) for completion. Red. You may want to make sure your contractor has notified 811 before the work begins by requesting the ticket or notification number. FENCING. Before You Dig You may be surprised by what's buried in your yard. Whether you are planning to do it your self or hire a professional, smart digging means calling Julie at 811 before each job. If you are hiring a contractor to do the work for you, it is the contractor’s responsibility to contact 811 two business days prior to digging. Read news digest here: view the latest JULIE 1 Call articles and content updates right away or get to their most visited pages. Pink. Dig with care. Yellow . No matter where you live, the gas, electric, cable TV, water and sewer lines that serve you may be underground. Complete all 8 activities below and become a Safe Digging champion! Call “Julie” Before You Dig. Share this page SWIMMING POOLS. Wait the required amount of time (2 working days). Common Forms. Potable Water. Spring has finally arrived and while residents may rejoice … Call JULIE Before You Dig! A Spring Reminder--Phone JULIE Before You Dig. US Postal Service; Water Conservation; Town Newspapers; Contact Information. Farmers. But when someone decides to take shortcuts, weekend projects can lead to Internet and cable outages, injuries and sometimes worse. Anyone planning an outdoor project that requires When do I call JULIE? Call (or Click) Before You Dig! Call JULIE Before Digging To avoid damaging lines, state law requires you to call JULIE before any digging project, regardless of the project size or depth. Calling 811 % two days before excavating can save lives and money As the summer construction season ramps up and contractors , homeowners and even municipalities begin excavation projects , the Illinois Commerce Commission ( ICC ) reminds the public to call a new , national 811 Call Before You Dig phone number to prevent damage to April 15, 2021 News (Undated) – Ameren Illinois is reminding the public to “Call Before You Dig.” This is the time of year many start doing outside work and if that work includes digging, Ameren reminds you to call JULIE before you dig. Dig with care. Contacting JULIE will greatly protect against a severed electrical line, gas, water or sewer main. That's because today, more power, gas, water and telecommunications companies are delivering utility services underground. Electrical Power Lines, Cables, Conduit and Lighting Cables. Putting up a fence, … JULIE 1 Call. Know your marker flags. Police Resources. Know What’s Below…Call “JULIE” Before You Dig Doing an outdoor project? Temporary Survey Markings. The easiest way to remember to update your ticket is to call 811 three weeks from the date you created your original ticket, and continue calling every three weeks for the duration of your project. The state map provides you with additional details on each 811 center, as well as specific guidelines for your state. You must call JULIE to have your site marked before you begin excavation. That's why it's so important (actually, it's law) to have buried utilities in your easement, right of way and permitted use areas located and marked before you dig. When you need to know where underground utilities are located before you dig, contact Texas811. LinesearchbeforeUdig is a free to use internet based, search enquiry system available 24/7, which any 3rd party company or private individual may use to make asset enquiries online whilst planning or before commencing works. Call Before You Dig. Respect the marks. City Council Meetings View City Council Meetings. Home | About Us | When to Call | Ways to Reach Us | What Happens Next | FAQs | Education Materials. and damage to those lines, state law requires you to call JULIE before any digging project, regardless of the project size or depth. Call JULIE before you dig for safe digging in Illinios. Call before you dig. Call JULIE Before You Dig. Olney, IL, USA / WVLN 740 AM/107.1 FM | CBS Sports Radio. Overweight/Oversize Truck Permits. Call before you dig. Snow Removal. Most “normal farming operations” are exempt from Iowa One Call notification, but many other farming operations are NOT. Apply for Over Night On Street Parking. FOUNTAINS. MAILBOX POSTS. For your convenience, you can enter a self … Updated 4/12/2013 8:40 PM. Call Before You Dig. “As you plan your home and garden digging projects this Spring, to avoid … White. Find out how to stay safe when you’re digging. JULIE - Call before you dig Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators Before you dig, call JULIE first! Orange. View and organize locate requests, manage notification areas, and submit positive responses. When you call JULIE, the Illinois One-Call System, utilities will be notified so they can mark the location of their underground lines in the area where you plan to dig. Sites of Interest. Respect the markings. Calling 811 automatically routes you directly to your local 811 center. Updating your ticket keeps you in compliance with the law so you don’t risk being cited and fined. Blue. Start here! Dial 811 or call (800) 892-0123; Click before you dig: JULIE Website; Stay Safe in a Natural Gas Emergency; Nicor Will County Service Area Map; Branch Pick Up. April marks National Safe Digging Month across the United States, reminding homeowners and professional excavators in Illinois to contact JULIE, Inc. (JULIE) at 8-1-1 before every digging project this spring, regardless of the size or depth. ROOM ADDITIONS. Digging a post hole, swimming pool, foundation or other excavation may expose underground service lines. Steps to Digging Safely Always call JULIE before you dig at 811 or 800.892.0123. The Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) is reminding homeowners and excavators to call 811 before beginning any outdoor project that requires digging. 811 Before You Dig! Translate. JULIE, Inc. (Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators) is your Illinois one-call center to have your underground utility lines marked at no cost. TENTS . If your ticket expires and you continue to dig, you are in violation of state law. 217-636-8429. Solicitor Information . JULIE. To avoid damaging those lines, state law requires you to call JULIE (811 or 800-892-0123) before any digging project, regardless of the project size or depth. Call 811 or Click Before you Dig. Contact JULIE. City Hall/Water Dept. Proposed Excavation. Apply for Vacation Watch. Sewer and Drain Lines. GARDENS. Engineering. Learn the differences here. If you’ve hired a professional to do work on your property that includes digging, make sure that they have called 811 or made their request online before beginning work. Wait the required amount of time – usually two working days after your call. Northern Illinois Gas reminds residents to call JULIE—Joint Utility Locating Information for Excavators—before they reach for the shovel . Learn More. If your simple home improvement project involves digging, you must contact your state’s 811 center a few days before breaking ground. Frozen Pipe Prevention. Green. RICHLAND COUNTY SWCD TO HOST “JULIE – BEFORE YOU DIG” MEETING. Mark Weiler. Call JULIE Before You Dig! You may be surprised by what’s buried in your yard. That’s because today, more electric, gas, water, sewer and telecommunications companies are delivering utility services underground. If you are planning a project that involves digging, state law requires you to notify Diggers Hotline or MISS DIG at least three working days in advance. Whether you are planting a tree, putting in a new fence or children’s play set, or digging for any other reason, it is critical that you call Indiana 811 at least 48 hours in advance. ... Advanced Notice: 48-hour notice (two working days), but no more than a 14-calendar day advance notice prior to the start of excavation Number of days in advance of a digging project that you need to notify the one call center of your intent to dig. Just call a helpful call center operator at JULIE at 8-1-1 or (800) 892-0123 and they'll alert their member utility companies of your plans to dig, so they can come out and mark their underground lines at your site. SIGNS AND SHEDS. Indiana law requires all property owners to make an important phone call before doing any digging on their land. (OLNEY) A special “JULIE – call 811 or Click Before You Dig” meeting is coming up next Tuesday, March 10, to The Holiday in Olney, sponsored by the Richland County Soil & Water Conservation District.
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