Une Mayennaise au casting de la série Lupin, qui cartonne sur Netflix. Juliette Pellegrini is a character in the first part of Lupin. Clotilde Hesme fait le portrait de Juliette Pellegrini, la fille d’un riche couple qui se lie d’amitié avec Assane à l’adolescence. ... Juliette Pellegrini … However, it would seem that he isn’t the best father in providing for his son, but she sets it up for Saturday and he sneaks a little something to her as she leaves. That’s what led to the suicide. Captain Romain Laugier (Vincent Londez) wants to question the staff and clients when he receives a call from Guidera about capturing the suspects. I want to know so much more. A flashback shows Assane at this private school, and because of the color of his skin, everyone keeps looking at him. Assane has a plan and I’m quite happy with the way his plans are revealed as the show goes forward. Inspired by the adventures of Arsène Lupin, gentleman thief Assane Diop sets out to avenge his father for an injustice inflicted by a wealthy family. This is the same officer that placed Assane into social services. Ludivine Sagnier . In prison, Assane is told that Comet is in the Infirmary and he doesn’t believe he’s coming back. In the morning, he speaks to Claire (Ludvine Sagnier), his baby mama, about him getting a job and seeing his son, Raoul. This website cannot be displayed as your browser is extremely out of date. The officer asks Assane’s age and general background. He breaks down on how they will steal the queen’s necklace as janitors while he suits up as the person to buy the necklace. When Assane visits Babakar, it is unfortunate that he has committed suicide. Assane reads through the book and reads the clues left for him: “I am innocent, trapped by Anne Pellegrini”. He picks Arsène Lupin: Gentlemen Burglar. He gets angry at the question and claims it was definitely stolen. As the bidding begins, the other three men start taking out security physically since the chloroform isn’t working. Lupin season 1, episode 2 requires the viewer to suspend their disbelief, but its creativity, and continued vibe makes it an enjoyable watch. Claire. Juliette Pellegrini (Clotilde Hesme) makes an appearance, wearing the necklace at the auction. Assane gets frustrated and presses Comet for more answers. In a flashback, a secret donor offers Assane a private school so he can receive the best education. La deuxième saison de “Lupin“N’a pas encore de date de sortie en Netflix, mais de … Smart. Assane gets angrier as the conversation moves on. Assane shows the letter to his friend at the jewelry store and raises how his father wrote the mistakes “Comet”, “libraryes”. He secures a janitorial job, a new identity card, and a copy of the necklace that he switches the night of the robbery. Assane is now in the prison system. A lieutenant asks Juliette if she knew the thief at the station, but she threatens them with lawyers for non-compliance and then tells them to find the necklace. As the bidding begins, the other three men start taking out security physically since the chloroform isn’t working. Hubert Pellegrini (Hervé Pierre) is absolutely rude towards Babakar as he takes peeks at the library. The man states that his father stole a necklace. He has to leave prison due to the emergency. Fargass Assandé . However, his colleagues mock him, claiming he should also investigate Harry Potter. As the episode ends, Assane lives up to a promise made to Comet — to make his wife smile. In the infirmary, Assane revisits Comet. Youssef Guedira. Two weeks earlier, Assane wakes up to hear that the queen’s necklace has been found and will be up for auction. However, the police officer finds him down the flights of stairs. Assane visits Anne Pellegrini, and she’s shocked. Death Is the Only Option: Apparently was Driven to Suicide by the notion of a life in prison. He then bids 60 million euros to speed up the bidding process, and he wins the necklace. In prison, Assane is in a dangerous position while out playing basketball. Later when he cleans, he picks up the necklace through the trash and walks out. The back story on his father pulls at my heart. He’s one of the inmates, and he’s introduced to his cellmate. Please update your browser to one of the following: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Lupin season 1, episode 2 recap – meeting “Comet”. Bogdan. Anne gives him the police officer who vowed to help — Gabriel Dumont. msn back to msn home entertainment. She’s an avid reader, tv and film lover, and traveler. What Lupin's English Voice Cast Really Look Like | Screen Rant In prison, Assane visits Comet’s room and finds the book he was referring to. Hubert is a powerful businessman and one of the richest men in France. He and his coworker admire the queen’s necklace but move on as they notice they are being monitored. How fitting. The night of the auction, Assane arrives in a well fitted suit while the other three are downstairs walking in as janitors. Episode 2 then moves to 1995, and the police arrive at Assane’s house. Anne admits that she made his father sign a confession. After they hang him over a balcony, he tells them he has a plan on how he can get them money. In the ambulance, he leaves the body bag and escapes. With cameras planted all around the house, Assane easily hacks in and begins watching and studying his routine. Juliette Pellegrini. Bogdan. The death of Babakar is on the news, and Assane is remembering his father and opening the gift that his father prepared for him: the book on Arsène Lupin, which Assane reads out loud. Mrs. Pellegrini responds by offering Babakar a book to take for his son. ; Frameup: Hubert Pellegrini framed him for the theft of his diamond necklace as part of an insurance fraud scam. Assane examines a necklace with a friend at a jewelry store. The message is from Assane; when he meets her, he covers her wire as she’s being tracked by the police. Lupin Perenna (Omar Sy) checks into work at the Louvre in Paris on New Year’s Eve. Lupin is taking Netflix by storm, and for good reason. Elle a des sentiments romantiques pour le voleur mais garde ses distances. Juliette asks her father if Assane’s father really stole the necklace 25 years ago. It was never about the money. It is obviously a part of the plan but Vincent takes forever as he beats on Assane. Back in 1995, Assane and his father Babakar (Fargass Assandé) help Mrs. Pellegrini (Nicole Garcia) when she has car problems on a rainy day. The necklace was only the beginning. The queen’s necklace was once owned by the Pellegrinis but was stolen 25 years ago, deconstructed, then separated, but was found and reconstructed. Babakar Diop. Juliette Pellegrini (Clotilde Hesme) has a history with Assane. It’s never explained how both elements linked — we can only assume the pills temporarily stopped his heart. Perhaps I should get the book that Assane was given by his father…. Anne’s worried about her husband. This article provides everything that is known about Lupin Season 2 and all related news. Learn how your comment data is processed. Get notified about exclusive offers every week! This provides a Jason Bourne-type escape, where he manages to confuse the officers with ease, disguised as a food delivery cyclist. Juliette receives a message. He wants to wait for his mother and tells him he’s off to social services. ... That conversation he makes happens to be to Hubert Pellegrini. Mrs. Pellegrini does nothing to help. On parle bien de la série Lupin qui fait actuellement le buzz sur Netflix. An interesting character in the show is that of Juliette Pellegrini, Hubert Pellegrini’s daughter. There was a man in prison with his father called Ètienne Comet, who worked at the library. It starts with Assane kissing the doctor’s hand. ... Clotilde Hesme will return as Juliette Pellegrini, and Nicole Garcia as the Pellegrini matriarch, Anne La Partie 1 de Lupin est disponible sur Netflix ! When a diamond necklace, originally belonging to Marie-Antoinette, was stolen from his safe, he immediately blamed his chauffeur Babakar Diop, who was arrested and died in prison. But who are the voice actors behind the French cast? But he runs out of time and has to cycle off with the police chasing him. Learn more about our use of cookies: cookie policy. We have recapped every episode — check out the toggles of the top of the page for next and previous episodes. (Photo: Netflix) QUAND LA SAISON 2 DE «LUPIN» SERA-T-ELLE SORTIE? Fox and Director Whitney Skauge, BGN Podcast Extra: WandaVision Visionaries, ‘Bombay Begums’: Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown, ‘Behind Her Eyes’: Clever Writing That Scares Me, Netflix’s ‘Grand Army’ Takes on Conversations of Consent and Fake Allyship. He can stay the night in the Infirmary, and the doctor tells him to make friends in prison. Flashbacks show Mrs. Pellegrini asking Assane’s father to pick a book for his son — he picks Arsène Lupin, Gentleman Burglar. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto Int'l Film Festival Awards Central Festival Central All Events This recap of Netflix’s Lupin season 1, episode 2 contains significant spoilers. Flashbacks suggest that Juliette was in love with Assane but couldn’t develop a relationship. Lupin (2021– ) Full Cast & Crew. Fargass Assandé. ... After learning more about Assane's history with Pellegrini's daughter Juliette… She’s an…. Les spoilers de la première partie de Lupin suivent. Ludivine Sagnier. Copyright © 2020 Ready Steady Cut. Assane then researches Gabriel Dumont, presumably triggering the premise for the next chapter. Flashbacks show her telling the father to sign the confession for his son in order to get a reduced sentence. ... La Lavalloise d’origine y interprète le rôle de la jeune Juliette Pellegrini, dans le premier épisode. Assane meets with Vincent (Grégoire Colin), Rudy (Arthur Choisnet), and Kevin (Kamel Guenfoud) about the money he owes Vincent. Comet explains that Assane’s father wanted him to pass on a book if anyone came on his behalf, which holds all the answers. Clotilde Hesme reviendra-t-elle jouer Juliette Pellegrini dans la deuxième saison de “Lupin”? ... Lupin is currently streaming on Netflix, and with just five episodes, it's an easy binge. Episode 2is demonstrating how quickly Assane’s life fell apart after his father’s arrest. Lebo Malatse is a content creator and writer. He is portrayed by Hervé Pierre. Once he requests to see the necklace, we get a flashback to when Babakar is accused by Mr. Pellegrini of taking the necklace then is taken away by the police. As Assane packs, he takes the book on the adventures of Arsène Lupin and leaves the house from the balcony. Site by FireCask. Assane gets home and reads an old letter from his father — he was ashamed of what he was accused of. ‘Lupin’ is a French-language Netflix original that retells the classic story of Arsène Lupin, reputed as a gentleman thief and a master of disguise. Synopsis. When Assane Diop was a teenager, he lost his father, for which he believes the Pellegrini family is responsible. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lupin_(série_télévisée,_2021) Her films Charlie Says … Babakar Diop. La fille de Pellegrini, Juliette, l’a confirmé, en disant à Assane, avec qui elle avait déjà eu une relation amoureuse, que le … Saïd Benchnafa . He thanks him for the book and kisses the doctor’s hand on the way out. The episode then moves to two days earlier. He leaves in a hurry.
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