Music legend Stevie Wonder made a soul hit out of a version of mon chéri in his 1969 “My Cherie Amour,” or my darling love. What does chère mean in French? mon cher … dear. More meanings for chère. The difference is that one is feminine (ma chérie, which is said to a female) and the other is masculine (mon chéri, which is said to a male). Ma chère and Ma chérie both mean my dear. It’s more endearing and often used either for your lover or your kids. ma chère is for a female friend or appreciated acquaintance ... ma chérie is for a very close , very good female friend somebody u appreciate a lot . You can complete the translation of ma chère given by the French-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries such as: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Larousse dictionary, Le Robert, Oxford, Grévisse Ma chère amie.|Oui même si on écrit mon amie. My dear sister , it is my belief that it is actually one's duty to paint the rich and magnificent aspects of need gaiety and happiness, hope and love. Cherchez ma chère! … So if you say “mon cher” it’s my dear. et beaucoup d’autres mots dans le dictionnaire de définition et synonymes français de Reverso. With Reverso you can find the French translation, definition or synonym for ma chère and thousands of other words. Those two have a meaning closer to “Dear”. English Translation. ma chère; ma chère et tendre épouse; ma chère fille; ma chérie; ma colombe; ma deuxième patrie; ma famille; ma femme; ma figure s'allongea; ma fille; ma fille chérie; ma foi; ma jambe me fait mal; ma légitime; In the English-Spanish dictionary you will find more translations. Vous pouvez compléter la définition de ma chère! Mon cheri to mean “my darling” or “my sweetheart” appears in English-language publications around that time to reflect the speech of French. On a qwerty keyboard it is not present. Atlas » Learn more about the world with our collection of regional and country maps. Chéri/Cher are the masculine versions; It’s used only on males. First of all, Cher/Chère. Or look in winword, you should have in the special characters these letters. English Translation of “chère” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. dear adjective: cher: ... comment allez-vous ma chère: how are you my dear: ma chère soeur: my dear sister: chère famille: dear family: ma chère sœur: my dear sister: bonne chère: good dear: cher adjective, noun: Ma chère soeur je crois que actuellement il faut peindre les aspects riches et magnifiques de la avons besoin de gaîté et de bonheur, d'espérance et d'amour. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. How to say ma cher amio in English? Ma chérie and mon chéri both refer to “my darling,” the endearing term I am sharing with you here. For male : Mon cher amie For female : Ma chère amie Plurial only females : Mes chères amies Plurial only male or mix of male and female : Mes chers amis|Mon cher ami. Pronunciation of ma cher amio with 1 audio pronunciation, 6 translations and more for ma cher amio. But if you want them, you need to input into your windows the French language into the Regional Options. Chéri/Chérie is more like “Darling”. The first one being more friendly and the second one have a love meaning behind it.
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