Leganes Fifa 20, Norwich Vs Barnsley Results, Resultat Moto Gp 2019, Banque Populaire Maroc Siège Casablanca, 100 Classic Blues Licks For Guitar, Il Va De Soi, Disparition Epinay-sur-seine Cracra, Jurassic World: Dominion Trailer, Jeux 5 6 Ans Animation, Guillotine Louis 14, The Floor Is Yours Alternative, Agression à Sartrouville, " />

Is the network of heterosexual contact in Japan scale free? Relationships between run-up speed, the degree of difficulty (D-score), height and length of flight on vault in artistic gymnastics, Twisted states in nonlocally coupled phase oscillators with frequency distribution consisting of two Lorentzian distributions with the same mean frequency and different widths, Prevalence and determinants of non-adherence to Imatinib in the first 3-months treatment among newly diagnosed Ethiopian’s with chronic myeloid leukemia, Budgetary impact analysis of a primary care-based hepatitis C treatment program: Effects of 340B Drug Pricing Program, Mode of delivery and preterm birth in subsequent births: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Reshuffling the global R&D deck, 1980-2050, Prevalence of irregular menstruation according to socioeconomic status: A population-based nationwide cross-sectional study, Medication-related quality of life among Ethiopian elderly patients with polypharmacy: A cross-sectional study in an Ethiopia university hospital, Analgesic use among the Brazilian population: Results from the National Survey on Access, Use and Promotion of Rational Use of Medicines (PNAUM), Age relative to school class peers and emotional well-being in 10-year-olds, Optimal contrast analysis with heterogeneous variances and budget concerns, Energy drink consumption in a pluri-ethnic population of adolescents in the Pacific, NGS based haplotype assembly using matrix completion, NOJAH: NOt Just Another Heatmap for genome-wide cluster analysis, Utilization patterns of insulin for patients with type 2 diabetes from national health insurance claims data in South Korea, The short-term effect of BMI, alcohol use, and related chronic conditions on labour market outcomes: A time-lag panel analysis utilizing European SHARE dataset, Risk assessment of earthquake network public opinion based on global search BP neural network, Predicting one-year outcome in first episode psychosis using machine learning, Medical patients’ affective well-being after emergency department admission: The role of personal and social resources and health-related variables, Normalization enhances brain network features that predict individual intelligence in children with epilepsy, Socioeconomic determinants affecting the access and utilization of depression care services in immigrants: A population-based study, Detoxification therapy of traditional Chinese medicine for genital tract high-risk human papillomavirus infection: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Prevention of malnutrition among children under 5 years old in Iran: A policy analysis, Treatment cost and costing model of obstetric complications at a hospital in Myanmar, Projections of Ebola outbreak size and duration with and without vaccine use in Équateur, Democratic Republic of Congo, as of May 27, 2018, Immunological and virologic outcomes of people living with HIV in Guangxi, China: 2012-2017, Consequences of impaired 1-MDa TIC complex assembly for the abundance and composition of chloroplast high-molecular mass protein complexes, Effectiveness and safety of oral anticoagulants in older adults with non-valvular atrial fibrillation and heart failure, Pneumonia-associated death in patients with dementia: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Development of a risk prediction model for infection-related mortality in patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis, The effects of birth rank (single or twin) and dam age on the lifetime productive performance of female dual purpose sheep (Ovis aries) offspring in New Zealand, Rotating hinge knee versus constrained condylar knee in revision total knee arthroplasty: A meta-analysis, Risk factors associated with low handgrip strength in the older Korean population, To examine environmental pollution by economic growth and their impact in an environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) among developed and developing countries, Unbiased pattern analysis reveals highly diverse responses of cytoskeletal systems to cyclic straining, High capacity reversible data hiding with interpolation and adaptive embedding, Postural control of a musculoskeletal model against multidirectional support surface translations, Directional dependence between major cities in China based on copula regression on air pollution measurements, A multi hidden recurrent neural network with a modified grey wolf optimizer, Supervised and extended restart in random walks for ranking and link prediction in networks, Sensitivity analysis of agent-based simulation utilizing massively parallel computation and interactive data visualization, Risk perceptions regarding radiation exposure among Japanese schoolteachers living around the Sendai Nuclear Power Plant after the Fukushima accident, Respective roles of migration and social deprivation for virological non-suppression in HIV-infected adults on antiretroviral therapy in France, Unemployment claims in Philadelphia one year after implementation of the sweetened beverage tax, General practitioners’ willingness to participate in research: A survey in central Switzerland, How perceived substance characteristics affect ethical judgement towards cognitive enhancement, Cost and cost-effectiveness of health behavior change interventions implemented with self-help groups in Bihar, India, Individual and country-level determinants of nursing home admission in the last year of life in Europe, Self-evaluation and professional status as predictors of burnout among nurses in Jordan, Disaster response knowledge and its social determinants: A cross-sectional study in Beijing, China, Adherence to immunomodulatory drugs in patients with multiple myeloma, Surgical outcomes of intermittent exotropia according to exotropia type based on distance/near differences, Who sells to whom in the suburbs? Penalized negative binomial models for modeling an overdispersed count outcome with a high-dimensional predictor space: Application predicting micronuclei frequency, Change in skeletal muscle associated with unplanned hospital admissions in adult patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Potential demand for voluntary community-based health insurance improvement in rural Lao People’s Democratic Republic: A randomized conjoint experiment, Deterministic column subset selection for single-cell RNA-Seq, Effects of HIIT and MICT on cardiovascular risk factors in adults with overweight and/or obesity: A meta-analysis, ‘Feminization’ of physician workforce in Bangladesh, underlying factors and implications for health system: Insights from a mixed-methods study, Lifestyle and socio-economic inequalities in diabetes prevalence in South Africa: A decomposition analysis, A sequential Monte Carlo algorithm for inference of subclonal structure in cancer, Clustering algorithms: A comparative approach, Computer simulations of coupled idiosyncrasies in speech perception and speech production with COSMO, a perceptuo-motor Bayesian model of speech communication, Cardiac implantable electronic device (CIED) infections are expensive and associated with prolonged hospitalisation: UK Retrospective Observational Study, Out-of-pocket expenditures and care time for children with Down Syndrome: A single-hospital study in Mexico City. Beta power encodes contextual estimates of temporal event probability in the human brain, Is this a man’s world? An empirical approach comparing the distributional properties of traditional and virtual currency exchange rates, A health knowledge brokering intervention in a district of Burkina Faso: A qualitative retrospective implementation analysis, Cellular frustration algorithms for anomaly detection applications, A meta-analysis of multiple matched aCGH/expression cancer datasets reveals regulatory relationships and pathway enrichment of potential oncogenes, Density distribution of gene expression profiles and evaluation of using maximal information coefficient to identify differentially expressed genes, NDRA: A single route model of response times in the reading aloud task based on discriminative learning, Optimization of signalized network configurations using the Lane-based method, Global and country-specific mainstreaminess measures: Definitions, analysis, and usage for improving personalized music recommendation systems, Understanding heterogeneous tumor microenvironment in metastatic melanoma, Generating higher resolution regional seafloor maps from crowd-sourced bathymetry, How does vertical integration promote innovation corporate social responsibility (ICSR) in the coal industry? EconPapers Home See the RePEc data check for the, Strengthening counseling on barriers to exclusive breastfeeding through use of job aids in Nampula, Mozambique, Emergency traffic adaptive MAC protocol for wireless body area networks based on prioritization, Territoriality and the organization of technology during the Last Glacial Maximum in southwestern Europe, Factors influencing harmonized health data collection, sharing and linkage in Denmark and Switzerland: A systematic review, Historical record of Corallium rubrum and its changing carbon sequestration capacity: A meta-analysis from the North Western Mediterranean, Visual body form and orientation cues do not modulate visuo-tactile temporal integration, Abundance of ethnically biased microsatellites in human gene regions, Normal and altered masticatory load impact on the range of craniofacial shape variation: An analysis of pre-Hispanic and modern populations of the American Southern Cone, Identifying and characterizing extrapolation in multivariate response data, A Bayesian Monte Carlo approach for predicting the spread of infectious diseases, Hydrogenotrophic methanogens of the mammalian gut: Functionally similar, thermodynamically different—A modelling approach, How the size of the to-be-learned material influences the encoding and later retrieval of associative memories: A pupillometric assessment, Statistical learning and the uncertainty of melody and bass line in music, The technological, organizational and environmental determinants of adoption of mobile health applications (m-health) by hospitals in Kenya, Interactions of pharmaceutical companies with world countries, cancers and rare diseases from Wikipedia network analysis, Low-rank graph optimization for multi-view dimensionality reduction, Analyzing and interpreting spatial and temporal variability of the United States county population distributions using Taylor's law, Improving graphs of cycles approach to structural similarity of molecules, Utilisation of health services fails to meet the needs of pregnancy-related illnesses in rural southern Ethiopia: A prospective cohort study, Modelling tick bite risk by combining random forests and count data regression models, Quantification of speech and synchrony in the conversation of adults with autism spectrum disorder, Systematic review and meta-analysis comparing Adjustable Transobturator Male System (ATOMS) and Adjustable Continence Therapy (ProACT) for male stress incontinence, Ecological interdependencies and resource competition: The role of information and communication in promoting effective collaboration in complex management situations, Fiber visualization for preoperative glioma assessment: Tractography versus local connectivity mapping, Environmental enrichment effects after early stress on behavior and functional brain networks in adult rats, The promise of open survey questions—The validation of text-based job satisfaction measures, Improving accuracy for finite element modeling of endovascular coiling of intracranial aneurysm, Predictive sampling effort and species-area relationship models for estimating richness in fragmented landscapes, Recording behaviour of indoor-housed farm animals automatically using machine vision technology: A systematic review, Association between antimicrobial drug class for treatment and retreatment of bovine respiratory disease (BRD) and frequency of resistant BRD pathogen isolation from veterinary diagnostic laboratory samples, Exploring resources and environmental carrying capacities at the county level: A case study of China’s Fengxian County, The opportunities and risks of mobile phones for refugees’ experience: A scoping review, Shifts in trait-based and taxonomic macrofauna community structure along a 27-year time-series in the south-eastern North Sea, Factors predictive of the success of tuberculosis treatment: A systematic review with meta-analysis. Can diabetes patients seeking a second hospital get better care? Security analysis of elliptic curves with embedding degree 1 proposed in PLOS ONE 2016, Accuracy of brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels for differentiating between Taiwanese patients with major depressive disorder or schizophrenia and healthy controls, The German version of the Quality of Marriage Index: Psychometric properties in a representative sample and population-based norms, Automatic diagnosis of strict left bundle branch block using a wavelet-based approach, HIV-related posts from a Chinese internet discussion forum: An exploratory study, Improving preterm newborn identification in low-resource settings with machine learning, Using machine learning models to predict oxygen saturation following ventilator support adjustment in critically ill children: A single center pilot study, On the prevalence of uninformative parameters in statistical models applying model selection in applied ecology, Sensitivity and specificity of computer vision classification of eyelid photographs for programmatic trachoma assessment, Regional disparities in maternal and child health indicators: Cluster analysis of districts in Bangladesh, Cross-comparative analysis of evacuation behavior after earthquakes using mobile phone data, Precise frequency synchronization detection method based on the group quantization stepping law, Effect of model updating strategies on the performance of prevalent diabetes risk prediction models in a mixed-ancestry population of South Africa, “Even if she’s really sick at home, she will pretend that everything is fine.”: Delays in seeking care and treatment for advanced HIV disease in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, Methods for calculating credible intervals for ratios of beta distributions with application to relative risks of death during the second plague pandemic, Use of non-insulin diabetes medicines after insulin initiation: A retrospective cohort study, Cultural transmission modes of music sampling traditions remain stable despite delocalization in the digital age, A path analysis model suggesting the association of information and beliefs with self-efficacy in osteoporosis prevention among middle-aged and older community residents in urban Shanghai, China, Population-based dementia prediction model using Korean public health examination data: A cohort study, Trends in multimorbidity and polypharmacy in the Flemish-Belgian population between 2000 and 2015, Assessment of the load-velocity profile in the free-weight prone bench pull exercise through different velocity variables and regression models, Twentieth century morality: The rise and fall of moral concepts from 1900 to 2007, Simplified end stage renal failure risk prediction model for the low-risk general population with chronic kidney disease, The influence of immigrant generation on obesity among Asian Americans in California from 2013 to 2014, An investigation of parafoveal masks with the incremental boundary paradigm, Faecal biomarkers can distinguish specific mammalian species in modern and past environments, A decision support system for assessing management interventions in a mental health ecosystem: The case of Bizkaia (Basque Country, Spain), Supported employment: Meta-analysis and review of randomized controlled trials of individual placement and support, RaCaT: An open source and easy to use radiomics calculator tool, Replacing P-values with frequentist posterior probabilities of replication—When possible parameter values must have uniform marginal prior probabilities, The time-varying relationship between economic globalization and the ideological center of gravity of party systems, Heat stress modifies the lactational performances and the urinary metabolomic profile related to gastrointestinal microbiota of dairy goats, How the medium shapes the message: Printing and the rise of the arts and sciences, The effectiveness of using entertainment education narratives to promote safer sexual behaviors of youth: A meta-analysis, 1985-2017, Development and validation of Yatt Suicide Attitude Scale (YSAS) in Malaysia, Evaluation of GBLUP, BayesB and elastic net for genomic prediction in Chinese Simmental beef cattle, How does capital structure change product-market competitiveness? à 20h50 Repetitive finger movement and circle drawing in persons with Parkinson’s disease, In-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation of patients with cirrhosis: A population-based analysis, Glomerular hyperfiltration may be a novel risk factor of restrictive spirometry pattern: Analysis of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) 2009-2015, The molecular determinants of R-roscovitine block of hERG channels, The conditional Fama-French model and endogenous illiquidity: A robust instrumental variables test, Long-term effects of functional appliances in treated versus untreated patients with Class II malocclusion: A systematic review and meta-analysis, A systematic review and network meta-analysis of existing pharmacologic therapies in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss, Writers’ uncertainty in scientific and popular biomedical articles. Does effectiveness in performance appraisal improve with rater training? The use of machine learning techniques, Intrinsic tumor necrosis factor-α pathway is activated in a subset of patients with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, The impact of the inclusive financial development index on farmer entrepreneurship, An empirical study on asymmetric jump diffusion for option and annuity pricing, Exposure to outdoor air pollution and its human health outcomes: A scoping review, Conveniently dependent or naively overconfident? Virginie Hilssone est diplômée d'un Baccalauréat économique et social, d'une licence et d'un Master 2 en communication et marketing obtenu à l’Institut Montpellier Management. Cost of preterm birth during initial hospitalization: A care provider’s perspective, What would it cost to scale-up private sector engagement efforts for tuberculosis care? Does caching strategy vary with microclimate in endangered Mt. A cross-sectional national survey of community pharmacy staff: Knowledge and antibiotic provision, A robust data-driven genomic signature for idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis with applications for translational model selection, Use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and associated outcomes in children hospitalized for sepsis in the United States: A large population-based study, Socioeconomic inequality and determinants of postnatal home visits made by public health midwives: An analysis of the Sri Lanka Demographic and Health Survey, Perceived discrimination in medical settings and perceived quality of care: A population-based study in Chicago, Preventing rheumatoid arthritis: Preferences for and predicted uptake of preventive treatments among high risk individuals, Evaluation of antibiotic dispensing practice in community pharmacies in Jordan: A cross sectional study. Revierparks as an integrated green network in Germany: An option for Amman? I made a little appearance in the French newspaper 3 this afternoon to give you the weather this weekend. A multi-state analysis of a retrospective cohort study, Computational modeling of fatigue crack propagation in butt welded joints subjected to axial load, Rider factors associated with severe injury after a light motorcycle crash: A multicentre study in an emerging economy setting, Spatial spread of malaria and economic frontier expansion in the Brazilian Amazon, Rapid instructed task learning (but not automatic effects of instructions) is influenced by working memory load, Assessing urban-rural differences in the relationship between social capital and depression among Ghanaian and South African older adults, Youth and forecasting of sustainable development pillars: An adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system approach, Secure two-party computation of solid triangle area and tetrahedral volume based on cloud platform, Estimating the economic incentives necessary for eliminating child labor in Ghanaian cocoa production, Genomic prediction offers the most effective marker assisted breeding approach for ability to prevent arsenic accumulation in rice grains, Maize responsiveness to Azospirillum brasilense: Insights into genetic control, heterosis and genomic prediction, Enablers and barriers to effective diabetes self-management: A multi-national investigation, Characterization of bovine (Bos taurus) imprinted genes from genomic to amino acid attributes by data mining approaches, DCG++: A data-driven metric for geometric pattern recognition, Physics driven behavioural clustering of free-falling paper shapes, Statistical methods for classification of 5hmC levels based on the Illumina Inifinium HumanMethylation450 (450k) array data, under the paired bisulfite (BS) and oxidative bisulfite (oxBS) treatment, How many leaders does it take to lead a sports team? Do intentionality constraints shape the relationship between motor variability and performance? D R E A M scoring a photo contest for read- At the end of the year, a graphs are in sharp focus. #instapic #picoftheday #instamood #summer #ete2019 #love #couplegoals #holidays #sun…” Track citations for all items by RSS feed 551-319-7683 Devidd Richison. 9 mars 2020 - AnimatricesTV & Celebs (@animatricestv.and.celebs) • Photos et vidéos Instagram Evidence of nationally representative survey data from Japan, a super-aged society, Infection rate among nutritional therapies for acute pancreatitis: A systematic review with network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, An augmented reality system for image guidance of transcatheter procedures for structural heart disease, Avoidable hospitalizations in Brazil and Portugal: Identifying and comparing critical areas through spatial analysis, Predicting fatigue using countermovement jump force-time signatures: PCA can distinguish neuromuscular versus metabolic fatigue. Les articles les plus lus. Interpretation of CVD risk predictions in clinical practice: Mission impossible? à 16h57, PHOTO Nubia, la fille de la chanteuse Lio, pose entièrement nue sur Instagram, Le 23/12/2019 A cohort study in the Lazio region, Italy, Late gadolinium enhancement on cardiac magnetic resonance combined with 123I- metaiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy strongly predicts long-term clinical outcome in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy, ‘I’m going to look for you and take your kids’: Reproductive justice in the context of immigration enforcement, Attacks on healthcare facilities as an indicator of violence against civilians in Syria: An exploratory analysis of open-source data, Symptoms of osteoarthritis influence mental and physical health differently before and after joint replacement surgery: A prospective study, A simple immunohistochemical bio-profile incorporating Bcl2 curbs those cases of invasive breast carcinoma for which an Oncotype Dx characterization is needed, Modifiable patient-related barriers and their association with breast cancer detection practices among Ugandan women without a diagnosis of breast cancer, Depression is a major risk factor for the development of dementia in people with lower urinary tract symptoms: A nationwide population-based study, Gravity model explained by the radiation model on a population landscape, Pharmacogenomics of statin-related myopathy: Meta-analysis of rare variants from whole-exome sequencing, Rejections in an non-purpose bred assistance dog population: Reasons, consequences and methods for screening, Mortality in working-age population during the Great Recession and austerity in Spain, Strategies to avoid blacklisting: The case of statistics on money laundering, Lower-dose prescriptions in the post-marketing situation and the influencing factors thereon, Performance of careHPV, hybrid capture 2 and visual inspection with acetic acid for detection of high-grade cervical lesion in Tanzania: A cross-sectional study, Influence of early specialization in world-ranked swimmers and general patterns to success, Male obesity effects on sperm and next-generation cord blood DNA methylation, Feature selection and transformation by machine learning reduce variable numbers and improve prediction for heart failure readmission or death, Ligand-guided homology modeling drives identification of novel histamine H3 receptor ligands, Severity of fatigue in people with rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and spondyloarthritis – Results of a cross-sectional study, Quality of life and outcomes in heart failure patients with ejection fractions in different ranges, Reduced user fees for antibiotics under age 5 in Hungary: Effect on antibiotic use and imbalances in the implementation, Monte Carlo approach to fuzzy AHP risk analysis in renewable energy construction projects, “Passing through difficult times”: Perceptions of perinatal depression and treatment needs in Malawi - 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Leganes Fifa 20, Norwich Vs Barnsley Results, Resultat Moto Gp 2019, Banque Populaire Maroc Siège Casablanca, 100 Classic Blues Licks For Guitar, Il Va De Soi, Disparition Epinay-sur-seine Cracra, Jurassic World: Dominion Trailer, Jeux 5 6 Ans Animation, Guillotine Louis 14, The Floor Is Yours Alternative, Agression à Sartrouville,