He died soon after, in 1517, and was memorialized in a celebrated statue by Michelangelo. valid above all others in all human affairs whether in word or deed: and that is, to avoid any kind of affectation as though it were a rough and dangerous reef; and (to coin a new word, perhaps), to practice in all things a certain sprezzatura [nonchalance], so as to conceal all art and make whatever one does or says seem effortless, and almost unpremeditated." Federigo, renowned for his piety and knowledgeable in Hebrew as well as Greek and Latin, also authored reformist theological and political treatises (including, reputedly a translation of the works of Martin Luther) that were later placed on the Vatican. The other participants eventually agree that even someone who is lowly born can be a perfect courtier, since nobility can be learned through imitation of the best models from life and history until it becomes ingrained and natural. [25] The following evening Giuliano di Lorenzo de' Medici, who at age 28 is a bit more mature than Gaspare Pallavicino, is chosen to defend women. . "[18] According to Peter Burke, one way of summarizing Castiglione's achievement "in a sentence", "would be to say that he helped adapt humanism to the world of the court and the court to humanism. L'œuvre contient des résonances de poésie ancienne et contemporaine, avec des rappels à Virgile, Poliziano ou Sannazzaro. The court of Urbino at that time was one of the most refined and elegant in Italy, a cultural center ably directed and managed by the Duchess Elisabetta and her sister-in-law Emilia Pia, whose portraits, along with those of many of their guests, were painted by Raphael, himself a native of Urbino. Les invités ont pour habitude d'organiser à la cour des compétitions intellectuelles produisant ainsi une riche activité littéraire et culturelle. Italian writer. "Assumed Simplicity and the Critique of Nobility: Or, How Castiglione Read Cicero", MS 239/25 Ad sacratissimum Britanniae regem Henricum at OPenn, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Baldassare_Castiglione&oldid=1016895418, Articles needing additional references from December 2017, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles with BIBSYS identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with CINII identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with multiple identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 9 April 2021, at 17:06. Eleveur lui-même de chevaux, il s'occupa pour le compte du duc de Mantoue, Frédéric II Gonzague, de suivre les coursiers pendant le palio dont il donnait des relations détaillées dans ses lettres au duc[1]. Painting possesses a truly divine power in that not only does it make the absent present (as they say of friendship), but it also represents the dead to the living many centuries later, so that they are recognized by spectators with pleasure and deep admiration for the artist.—Quoted in The Renaissance Portrait from Donatello to Bellini, 2011 Exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of New York: Website. [28] Gaspare Pallavicino, the most impetuous and emotional of the interlocutors in The Courtier, was a relation of Castiglione's and the fictional "source" who later recounted the discussions to the supposedly absent Castiglione (who had in fact returned to Urbino from England shortly before the dialogue's fictive date).[29]. The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). And it is this virtue which women lend to society. Castiglione's letters not only reveal the man and his personality but also delineate those of famous people he had met and his diplomatic activities: they constitute a valuable resource for political, literary, and historical studies. Castiglione enverra une lettre au pape, datée du 10 décembre 1527, soulignant que le saccage était motivé par l'ambiguïté et les contradictions de la politique du pape. Giuliano de' Medici agrees that for the courtier music is not just an ornament but a necessity, as it is indeed for men and women in all walks of life. In 1516 Castiglione was back in Mantua, where he married a very young Ippolita Torelli, descendant of another noble Mantuan family. Son intéressante correspondance dépeint non seulement l'homme et sa personnalité, mais aussi les gens célèbres qu'il a rencontrés et fréquentés, lors de son activité diplomatique. In tribute to their friendship, Raphael painted his famous portrait of Castiglione, now at the Louvre.[8]. En 1506, Castiglione écrit et interprète avec Cosimo Gonzague, son églogue Tirsi dans lequel de façon voilée, il dépeint la vie de la cour d'Urbino. Castiglione’s best-known work is The Courtier (books 1–4, 1528), a treatise in dialogue form. En 1516, Castiglione retourne à Mantoue, où il se marie avec Ippolita Torelli (it), descendante d'une famille noble. Les sonnets d'amour et les quatre Amorose canzoni content son amour platonique pour Elisabetta Gonzaga dans un style qui rappelle Pétrarque. There he was friendly with many artists and writers; including Raphael, whom he already knew from Urbino, and who frequently sought his advice. Elisabetta Gonzaga and Emilia Pia regard his attitude as a challenge and call on the others to come to women's defense. Ses poésies latines sont remarquables, comme l'élégie De morte Raphællis pictoris à la mort de Raphaël, et une autre, où il imagine sa propre mort. The courtier should always appear a little more humble than his station requires. It depicts Raphael's friend, the diplomat and humanist Baldassare Castiglione, who is considered a quintessential example of the High Renaissance gentleman. En mai 1527 les Impériaux envahissent et mettent Rome à sac ; le pape reprochera à Castiglione de ne pas l'avoir prévenu des intentions de Charles Quint. The hosts and guests organized intellectual contests, pageants, dances, concerts, recitations, plays, and other cultural activities, producing brilliant literary works. It depicts an elegant philosophical conversation, presided over by Elisabetta Gonzaga, (whose husband, Guidobaldo, an invalid, was confined to bed) and her sister-in-law Emilia Pia. At the outset of the discussion Canossa also insists that the art of being a perfect courtier is something that cannot be taught (that is, broken down to a set of rules or precepts), and therefore, he declares (rhetorically—and with sprezzatura) that he will refuse to teach it. Cette œuvre prône la courtoisie et les valeurs sociales que l'homme civilisé se doit d'avoir. Regular guests included: Pietro Bembo; Ludovico da Canossa [it]; Giuliano de' Medici; Cardinal Bibbiena; the brothers Ottaviano and Federigo Fregoso from the Republic of Genoa. De nos jours, Baldassare Castiglione n'est plus perçu comme responsable du sac de Rome, car il semble qu'il ait joué honnêtement son rôle en Espagne. The son of a noble family, Castiglione was educated at the humanist school of Giorgio Merula and Demetrius Chalcondyles, and at the court of Ludovico The genre is also the same in The Courtier and De Oratore: a comfortable, informal, open-ended discussion, in Ciceronian rhetoric called sermo (conversation),[16] in which the speakers set out the various sides of an argument in a friendly (rather than adversarial) way, inviting readers, as silent participators, to decide the truth for themselves. (Pietro Aretino's La cortigiana is a parody of this famous work.) Music likewise promotes habits of harmony and virtue in the individual and should therefore be learned beginning in childhood. And if ever you liked any of my whims, this one should not displease you, and to a prince, especially a new prince, it should be welcome; therefore I am addressing it to his magnificence Giuliano. [3], Castiglione was born in Casatico, near Mantua (Lombardy) into a family of the minor nobility, connected through his mother, Luigia Gonzaga, to the ruling Gonzagas of Mantua.[4]. The Renaissance Portrait from Donatello to Bellini, 2011 Exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of New York: Website. Son livre est traduit en français dès 1537, puis en espagnol, en anglais, en allemand et en latin. He took Valdés to task, severely and at length, in his response to the latter's comments about the Sack of Rome. Baldassare Catiglione was most famous for his writing, especially the book The Book of the Courtier which was based on the court when he lived in Urbino yet he was young and was said to have most likely been away at the time the conversation took place so he did not add to it. Ses autres écrits, l'églogue Tirsi (1506), le prologue de la Calandria de Bibbiena (1513), quatre canzoni amoureuses et un recueil d'élégies latines sont de qualité, sans se distinguer particulièrement dans la production de l'époque. Baldassare Castiglione is known primarily for his "Book of the Courtier." Baldassare Castiglione the perfect courtier, his life and letters, 1478-1529 (1908) (7 F) P Portrait of Baldassarre Castiglione by Raphael - Louvre (INV 611) (1 C, 15 F) Media in category "Baldassarre Castiglione" The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total. Choisissez parmi des contenus premium Baldassare Castiglione de la plus haute qualité. He rises to the occasion, affirming their equality to the male sex in every respect, and he points out how throughout history some women have excelled in philosophy and others have waged war and governed cities, listing the heroines of classical times by name. He and the new Duke, who had been appointed capitano generale (commander-in-chief) of the Papal States, took part in Pope Julius II's expedition against Venice, an episode in the Italian Wars. Castiglione left his family behind when he went to Rome, and he wrote a poem in which he imagined his wife and son consoling themselves with the picture during his absence. Pietro Bembo, who was a poet and arbiter of elegance in the Italian language, in fact, even questions whether it is necessary. La meilleure citation de Baldassare Castiglione préférée des internautes. The work contains echoes of both ancient and contemporary poetry, recalling Poliziano and Sannazaro as well as Virgil. Considered one of the great portraits of the Renaissance, it has an enduring influence. Bembo's speech is based on Marsilio Ficino's influential commentaries on Socrates's speech on the nature of love at the conclusion of Plato's Symposium, except that in The Courtier the object of love is heterosexual not homosexual. Castiglione was a diplomat and author of The Book of the Courtier, a text which discussed manners and court etiquette, and which became an important cultural influence in the 16 th century. Ce livre deviendra vite un manuel de savoir-vivre dans les cours européennes. For this the Duke conferred on Castiglione the title of Count of Novilara, a fortified hill town near Pesaro. Castiglione also produced a number of Latin poems, together with an elegy for the death of Raphael entitled De morte Raphaellis pictoris and another elegy, after the manner of Petrarca, in which he imagines his dead wife, Ippolita Torelli, as writing to him. Il reste connu pour avoir écrit Le Livre du courtisan, manuel de savoir-vivre qui connut un succès important à sa parution. Pour le service de Gonzague, il part à Rome rencontrer Guidobaldo Ier de Montefeltro, duc d'Urbino, dont il rejoint la cour en 1504. Il fait partie de la cour de Ludovic le More et à la mort de celui-ci, il rejoint la cour des Gonzague à Mantoue. In a famous passage, Castiglione's friend Lodovico da Canossa, whose views arguably represent Castiglione's own, explains "the mysterious source of courtly gracefulness, the quality which makes the courtier seem a natural nobleman":[20] sprezzatura. Well-known portraits are those of Pope Leo X, who took office in 1513, that of Baldassare Castiglione, that of Bindo Altoviti and 'La Donna Velata', of which it has never become clear who the figure is. To his moral elegance (his personal goodness) must be added the spiritual elegance conferred by familiarity with good literature (i.e., the humanities, including history). Baldassare Castiglione’s most popular book is The Book of the Courtier. Learn how and when to remove this template message, The Ducal Palace at Urbino, setting of the. Renaissance portraiture, whether painted or written, served a to memorialize. The work It might be outdated or ideologically biased. . Baldassare Castiglione (Italian: [baldasˈsaːre kastiʎˈʎoːne]; December 6, 1478 – February 2, 1529),[1] count of Casatico, was an Italian courtier, diplomat, soldier and a prominent Renaissance author. On a diplomatic mission to Rome, Castiglione met Francesco Gonzaga's brother-in-law, Guidobaldo da Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino, husband of Francesco's sister Elisabetta Gonzaga; and in 1504, a reluctant Francesco allowed Castiglione to leave and take up residence in that court. Castiglione's depiction of how the ideal gentleman should be educated and behave remained, for better or for worse, the touchstone of behavior for all the upper classes of Europe for the next five centuries. To do this he had to win the respect and friendship of his peers and most importantly of a ruler, or prince, i.e., he had to be a courtier, so as to be able to offer valuable assistance and disinterested advice on how to rule the city. Giuliano was later given the title of Duc de Nemours by King Francis I of France. Baldassare went on to become a mercenary captain and progenitor of the Mantua branch of the Castiglione family: his son Cristoforo had a son, Baldassare (1478-1529). This book changed the Renaissance greatly because it showed the courtiers how to act and showed them behavior expectations. Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione may have had a practical and intimate purpose. He died of the plague in Toledo in 1529. Sadly, Ippolita died a mere four years after their marriage, while Castiglione was away in Rome as ambassador for the Duke of Mantua. That Castiglione's love for Ippolita was of a very different nature from his former platonic attachment to Elisabetta Gonzaga is evidenced by the two deeply passionate letters he wrote to her that have survived. One character, Gaspare Pallavicino, has been depicted throughout the discussion as a thorough-going misogynist (at one point he even declares that women are only good for having children). [5] In 1499, Castiglione's father died unexpectedly and Castiglione returned to Casatico to take his place as the male head of the family. French Center for Research and Restoration of the Museums of France: Raphael. There is a long discussion, too, about what are appropriate topics for joking (pleasantries), an essential component of pleasing conversation: one should not mock people's physical attributes, for example. Historians today believe that Castiglione had carried out his ambassadorial duties to Spain in an honorable manner and bore no responsibility for the sack of Rome. 1478 - 1529. Young men's love naturally tends to be sensual, but Bembo talks about a kind of imaginative, non-physical love that is available to young and old alike. [21] Sprezzatura, or the art that conceals art (in the words of another ancient rhetorician, Quintilian), is not simply a kind of superficial dissimulation, for grace may also be the result of such assiduous practice that what one does becomes second nature and seems inborn. As such, Castiglione's duties included numerous official and diplomatic missions representing the Court of Francesco II Gonzaga, Marquess of Mantua, whom Castiglione would accompany in that year in Louis XII of France's royal entry into Milan. En 1528, l'année précédant sa mort, son livre le plus célèbre, Le Livre du courtisan, est publié à Venise. Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione is a c. 1514–1515 oil painting attributed to the Italian High Renaissance painter Raphael. The book is based upon Castiglione's times at the court of Duke Guidobaldo Montefeltroof Urbino. Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione (1515) One of the greatest portraits of the Renaissance, the painting depicts Raphael’s friend, the diplomat and humanist Baldassare Castiglione, who is considered a quintessential example of the High Renaissance gentleman.According to art historian James Beck “The Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione stands as a final solution for single male … To this end he should wear subdued rather than bright colors, though in general attire he should follow the prevalent customs of his surroundings. "I have found a universal rule . Castiglione, Baldassare Born Dec. 6, 1478, in Casatico, near Mantua; died Feb. 2, 1529, in Toledo, Spain. The French are wrong to assert that a knowledge of letters conflicts with fighting ability. It was set to music as a six-part Madrigal by Girolamo Conversi and translated by, among others, Edmund Spenser and Joachim du Bellay. Baldassare Castiglione was born on Dec. 6, 1478, in Casatico in the province … The men defer to her, especially in their conduct with women—"with whom we had the freest and commerce, but such was the respect we bore to the will of the Duchess that freedom was the greatest restraint."
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