He is a progressive dispensationalist.1 Turner teaches at Cornerstone University. The publisher notes that the NCBC series does not “assume the reader has a great deal of specialized theological knowledge or an impressive command of the Hebrew, Aramaic, or biblical Greek.”. But how do you know what to choose? France is well known for writing the Mark volume in the New International Greek Testament Commentary series, which is considered one of the, Brown takes an evangelical in approach to Scripture. It is a mid-level commentary that those with working knowledge of Greek will maximize. In addition to the devotional commentary on Luke by Dr. Sproul titled A Walk With God, the following are five of the most generally helpful commentaries on the third Gospel. Fried died in 2012. Add available commentaries to your library with discount, Controller: 00:00:00.0781397 ; View: 00:00:03.5469338 ; Template: 00:00:00.0312710, Doriani, Dan; Bayer, Hans F.; Bolt, Peter Geoffrey. For more great commentaries on Matthew, be sure to check: Commentaries on All the Four Gospels, The Life & Times of Christ, Commentaries on the Whole New Testament & Whole Bible Commentaries. Matthew: Can Anything Good Come Out of Nazareth? The Sins of Judas Matthew 26:14-16, 20-25; 58. AD 70, Interpretation, Matthew 24, Olivet Discourse January 18, 2019 Comments: 3. The Last Supper Matthew 26:17-20, 26-30; 59. The EBC has excellent commentaries on Genesis, Matthew, and Acts, and the rest of the series is well done as well. The publisher notes that BECNT series aims “to provide, within the framework of informed evangelical thought, commentaries that blend scholarly depth with readability, exegetical detail with sensitivity to the whole, and attention to critical problems with theological awareness.”. Keener has multiple Matthew commentaries (see above and below). France’s Mark volume in the NIGTC series is considered one of the, This volume includes information helpful to pastors, but the IVPNTC edition (pub. This commentary won the ECPA Gold Medallion Award for Best Commentary in 1996. This volume, like others in the series, employs a systematic theologian to write an exposition. Rosscup rates this as the #2 best detailed exegetical commentary on Matthew. Revelation. He is Reformed. This commentary is best for expository preachers, Bible college and seminary students, church elders and teachers, and experienced Bible readers. Keener has multiple Matthew commentaries (see above). R. Alan Cole — Mark (The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries, 1989). Thank you for visiting. France’s Mark volume in the NIGTC series is considered one of the best Mark commentaries available today. “First, these commentaries aim to be biblical… unashamedly doctrinal… redemptive-historical… [and] practical…” See more about the Reformed Expository Commentary series. Regarding theology, Ironside pastored Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois, and helped popularize dispensationalism in the early 20th century. See more about the Understanding the Bible Commentary Series. It’s not because they have received poor reviews or because people haven’t found them helpful. Wilkins teaches at BIOLA University. He specializes in New Testament theology, Christology, and discipleship. Series: The publisher notes that the NICNT series aims “to provide earnest students of the New Testament with an exposition that is thorough and abreast of modern scholarship and at the same time loyal to the Scriptures as the infallible Word of God.” eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'bestbiblecommentaries_com-leader-1','ezslot_27',113,'0','0'])); See more about the New International Commentary on the New Testament series.Want to save money on bible commentaries?Logos Bible Software is the best digital resource for bible commentaries, theology books, and more. There is a very useful list of such commentaries in "The Expository Times" (vol. She teaches at a Baptist seminary. See how Blomberg’s volume compares to others on the page Best Matthew Commentaries. MatthewTyndale New Testament Commentaryby R.T. France. Series: The publisher notes that the ZECNT series “was refined over time by an editorial board who listened to pastors and teachers express what they wanted to see in a commentary series based on the Greek text.” eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'bestbiblecommentaries_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_16',120,'0','0'])); See more about the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Solidly evangelical, deeply thoughtful, always informed and eminently practical, this is a commentary that will faithfully lead readers to the heart of Matthew.”, “…it displays massive erudition… Keener is an exceptionally clear writer, capable of expressing the fruits of his research in non-technical terms.”, a “best buy” on Matthew; “sets new standards… it is engagingly written and always has the preacher and teacher in mind”, “…even when one disagress with Hagner’s conclusions one must admire his discussion of the evidence and his weighing of the competing viewpoints… the WBC format have been utilized by Hagner to write what is perhaps the finest evangelical commentary on Matthew in terms of detailed exegetical discussion… deserves a wide readship.”, “…will stand as one of the premier commentaries on Matthew for years to come… will prove to be a benchmark for other works on the gospel… the student of Matthew cannot afford to be without this work… thorough, well written, and clearly organized… the student or pastor seeking to understand a passage in Matthew’s gospel would do well to begin with what Hagner has written.”, “Blomberg’s commentary is solidly evangelical, well-informed, and judicious in its conclusions… it is clear that the author is an exegete, and a good one… he helps “the reader understand what the text says” and “provides pastoral wisdom” “…filled with solid, informative exegesis… especially appealing to pastors and lay teachers” (Donald Hagner), “equally good in detail and in the flow of the argument”, “Osborne avoids a forced choice (more common in older works) between history and theology; he reads Matthew as theologically motivated history.” “…offers a moderately conservative outlook, but Osborne remains generous and ready to interact with a range of positions… scholars working on Matthew’s Gospel cannot afford to neglect this important addition to research on this Gospel.” (Craig Keener), “Overall, the pastor who makes this one of the main commentaries in sermon preparation will not be disappointed, and in this it seems Osbrone’s volume accomplishes its goal… a notable achievement and will indeed serve its educated-pastoral purpose well in many ways. The volume combines interpretation and application. There are a number of other helpful commentaries on the Gospel of Matthew, including those by Craig Blomberg, Knox Chamblin, Daniel M. Doriani, John Nolland, David L. Turner, Robert H. Mounce, Donald Hagner (Vol. Luz published these volumes over a 20-year period. The best modern (non-Catholic) commentaries in English.
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