Bernard Poirette Actualités, Jean-claude Götting Et Karen Cheryl, Maire De Pantin 2019, Christine Kelly Cnews, Je N'ai Pas Pu Vous Envoyer, Livres Prix Goncourt, " />

This Week in Fascism #104: ‘White Lives Matter’ Claims It Will Ride Again, Neo-Nazis to Rally in Phoenix, TWIF Turns 2! This zine is not going to beat around the bush, […], Trans Day of Visibility celebrates the trans community and brings awareness to the trans struggle against discrimination faced daily under class society. We have seen a new civic virtue emerge from what was still a crime yesterday: being masked. Everywhere, we have seen citizens echo the “go home!” barked out by the cops and their drones. Those arrested in Bristol still need, Article originally from the No Safety No Work website Workers at the Driving and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) in Swansea started a four. AWSM read more, philip.jpg Death notice for a revolutionary hero. end data harvesting. We want to take a moment to explain our perspective and thank […], Welcome to Zizania, a squatted social center in Victoria, at the corner of Fylis and Feron streets. 11cm x 16cm. Julien COUPAT(ANNECY) est étudiant chez Lycée Champollion Grenoble depuis 2020. Julien Coupat Scroll below to check Julien Coupat Net Worth, Biography, Age, Height, Dating, Salary & many more details. Linksradikalismus in der Pandemie, #ZeroCovid? We stand in solidarity with the trans community; the working class struggle is the […], Black Autonomy Podcast is a new podcast discussing anarchism and its relevance to the ongoing Black Liberation Movement. We have seen social hierarchy as purely based on the degree of parasitism. Julien a 5 postes sur son profil. In tieferem Sinn, als die drei selbst dachten. We have seen, with the inexorable pretext of the pandemic, the coherence of the hitherto disjointed pieces of the imperial plans appear: geo-tracking, facial recognition, Linky smart metres, the clutter of drones, the prohibition of cash payments, the internet of things, the generalisation of sensors and the production of traces, digital house arrest, maddening privatisation, massive savings through telework, tele-consumption, tele-conferences, tele-education, tele-consultations, tele-surveillance and, to finish, tele-firing. We have seen the champions of discredit try to cover up the jeers aimed at them by acclaiming those damned to wage labour. “What I Saw Was Not Tucson”  – Mayor Regina Romero, the morning after the first riots. 0,1180kg. Frédéric Lordon. We have seen the reflex to centralise-plan-organise everywhere worsen the situation, and only improve the image of the organisers. We have seen 6,000 gendarmes from the “mountain” units supported by helicopters, drones, speedboats and 4X4s, launched in a national hunt for surveyors of trails, riverbanks, lakes – not to mention, of course, of the seaside. We have had to many delays with our suppliers due to Crona restrictions. We have seen the cause of “public health” as the pure and outright expropriation of any sensible certainty about our actual health. All strategy follows from this. We have seen what “budgetary rigour” is all about, as well as the moral imperative to get up early in the morning to go to the job. We have seen in this uncertainty, and in this strangeness, the promise of fully re-programmable mores. Julien Coupat was one of the accused of the so-called “Tarnac” group. We have seen, for two months, endless leftism multiply appeals in the void and political programmes for no one. We have seen the Republican sovereign realize his dream of bringing together for his Mass all of his subjects, ideally separated in front of their screens between the four walls of their homes, and finally reduced to his exclusive contemplation. We have seen, with the population confined, the police enjoy to the point of murder their regained sovereignty over an ideally deserted public space. Folk har hört av sig och kamrater har uttryckt intresse av att hjälpa... Απέναντι στην κρατική τρομοκρατία κάθε αγώνας για την ελευθερία και την αλληλεγγύη μας αφορά όλους-ες. Peruvians are outraged at what can best be described as a parliamentary coup, orchestrated by members of congress whose quick resignation only came after two young protesters lost […]. Government and self-government are united, arise from the same system. Eric Hazan est éditeur, gérant et fondateur des éditions La fabrique, et écrivain. We have seen the notion of “social distancing”, conceived of in the America of the 1920s to quantify white hostility towards blacks, come to the fore as the obvious norm in a society of foreigners. Julien Coupat (born June 4, 1974 in Bordeaux) is a French political activist.As one of the Tarnac Nine, he was arrested on November 11, 2008 and accused of terrorism in connection with a plot to sabotage French train lines. Even 1€ can make a difference. We focused on formulating what we witnessed last spring, before the organised amnesia comes over our perceptions. performed a highly useful and accountable role in society. March 17, 2021, Montreal — The Delhi-Dublin Anti-Colonial Solidarity Brigade re-united in Montreal last night on an anti-colonial Saint-Patrick’s Day. They defied curfew to again vandalize the landmark bronze statue to Queen Victoria — unveiled in 1900 […], From The Tower’s Facebook As of April 2021, The Tower is temporarily closed and will be moving. Communique announcing the launch of a bilingual support website for Indigenous Yaqui political prisoner, Fidencio Aldama, and a call out for solidarity in the struggle for his freedom. Ce livre participe d'une observation de rage et de ferveur, s We have seen the Leviathan realised. The social is no longer the real. We have seen a president purporting to settle “the details of our daily life” from the Elysée Palace. We have seen a president purporting to settle “the details of our daily life” from the Elysée Palace. We have seen Macron peacefully appropriating the May Day of the workers and the happy days of the Conseil National de la Résistance – CNR, and the leftists mimetically claiming its legacy, rather than concluding that it has definitively expired. We have seen how the United States, in fact a failed state, is worthy of France. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . We have seen how the impossibility of distinguishing the lie from the truth, and not the exclusive reign of the lie, made us maneuverable at will, how, the slightest conclusive information being systematically denied during the day by another no less improbable, was enough to maintain a certain fog over all the data over which the rulers have a monopoly, to make us lose our footing. We have seen social hierarchy as purely based on the degree of parasitism. Στεκόμαστε αλληλέγγυοι στον αγώνα στου Βαγγέλη Σταθόπουλου.Απαιτούμε την οριστική παύση κάθε δίωξης.Καλούμε κάθε αγωνιστή-στρια που αντιλαμβάνεται τον εαυτό του από την πλευρά των καταπιεσμένων να δείξει την έμπρακτη αλληλεγγύη του πλαισιώνοντας και στηρίζοντας έμπρακτα: την κεντρική συγκέντρωση και πορεία αλλυλεγγύης […], Σάββατο 24/4 στις 15:00 στο θεατράκι του λόφου Στρέφη ΕΚΔΗΛΩΗΣΗ: ΥΠΕΡΑΣΠΙΖΟΜΑΣΤΕ ΤΟΥΣ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΟΥΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΟΥΣ ΧΩΡΟΥΣ ενάντια στην ιδιωτικοποίηση, τον εκτοπισμό των κατοίκων, την τουριστικοποίηση και την αστυνομοκρατία Θα μιλήσουν: Συνέλευση κατοίκων Πετραλώνων-Θησείου-Κουκακίου, Συνέλευση Αντίστασης και Αλληλεγγύης Κυψέλης / Πατησίων, Συνέλευση Κατειλημμένων Προσφυγικών, Victoria Solidarity, Πρωτοβουλία Κατοίκων Εξαρχείων, Λαϊκή Συνέλευση Εξαρχείων, Αυτοδιαχειριζόμενο Πάρκο Ναυαρίνου, Λαϊκή […], ΔΗΜΟΣΙΑ ΤΟΠΟΘΕΤΗΣΗ ΤΗΣ ΚΑΤΑΛΗΨΗΣ ΠΡΥΤΑΝΕΙΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΙΟΙΚΗΤΙΚΩΝ ΓΡΑΦΕΙΩΝ ΠΑ. We have seen it incapable, in these “exceptional circumstances”, of doing anything other than mobilising, that is, exploiting the last subjective resources to the point of exhaustion. Quand la ville se tait, Chronique d'une sidération est écrit entre mars et juin 2020. We have read this press release from the Swiss Private Businesses’ Center: “One must avoid some people being tempted at getting used to the current situation, or even to being seduced by its insidious appearances: much less traffic on the roads, a sky deserted by air traffic, less noise and commotion, the return to a simple life and to local commerce, the end of consumer society … This romantic perception is misleading, because the slowdown in social and economic life is in reality very painful for countless inhabitants who have no desire to undergo this forced experience of degrowth any longer.”. We have seen the sad passion of being well governed as always having to be disappointed. And we have seen in return, in the United States, what a successful de-confinement can consist of: the taking of the streets, riots, looting, the burning to ashes of police stations, department stores, banks and government buildings. This month the trial in Minnesota of Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd has dominated the mainstream media. Facebook and Twitter — nationalize them. Let’s prepare the struggles of tomorrow!”. And enjoy the exercise so much that it intends to continue as long as possible. We have seen local self-organisation unfold, step by step, from neighbour to neighbour, in lived territories, as a vital reflex bringing back a little meaning and something to hold to – as a tiny but real experience of collective power. Chronique d'une sidération, Mars-Juin 2020, Quand la ville se tait, Julien Coupat, Patrick Drevet, Presses Du Reel. This demand was taken up and won successfully in later Pride parades in Auckland […], Coles workers at the Smeaton Grange distribution warehouse have been locked out over Christmas for months on end without pay, battling both Coles bosses and the union bureaucracy whilst fighting for a fair redundancy package. We have seen it hiding beneath the gold of its institutions and apparatuses a Third World reality – stealing masks from its own local authorities and from its “European allies”, mobilising the army like the first Mexican president come to stage a mastery of the situation in which nobody believes, mimicking with the blows of helicopters and TGV trains a pasteboard efficiency, appropriating as its own the outbursts of spontaneous solidarity towards caregivers that it had hitherto never ceased to pluck. Así, en relación al “marxismo” -que en rigor es una construcción de fines del siglo XIX sistematizada primero por Engels, Kautsky y la socialdemocracia de la II Internacional, y luego por la […], Ya circula en formato físico y por la web el cuarto número de nuestro boletín reflexivo-agitativo. Des milliers de livres avec la livraison chez vous en 1 jour ou en magasin avec -5% de réduction . Discover Julien Coupat Net Worth, Salary, Biography, Height, Dating, Wiki. We have seen, in our confined nights, Elon Musk’s satellites replace the stars, like the hunt for Pokemons replaced the hunt for extinct butterflies. Thank you for your support. We have seen from one day to the next, our apartment, which had been sold to us as a refuge, close in on us like a trap. Julien Coupat is on Facebook. J’ai apprécié la prose et les … We do not presuppose any we, neither that of the people, nor that of some lucid avant-garde. He is the author, along with others, of this text on “things seen” of May and August 2020. What have we seen in the last six months, since the emergence of the virus, since the avalanche of transformations it has produced? We see annihilation as the manifest destiny of this society, and what is incumbent upon those to precipitate who set out to desert it – if at least we are to make life on Earth breathable again, anywhere. We have seen the left, as always, at the forefront of the “civicism” that rulers aspire to produce – at the forefront, therefore, of following the leader, of herding. The story goes that, contrary to the myth of the iconoclastic larrikin, Australians’ response to the pandemic indicates that we are instead a […], Sixty years ago, in September 1961, the first summit of what became the Non-Aligned Movement was held in Belgrade, the capital of Yugoslavia. Après une année 2020 plutôt bonne, « l’asperge reste droite dans ses bottes » en 2021. Six months since Liebig 34, as the constellation of the haus on the corner of Liebigstrasse and Rigaerstrasse, ceased to exist. Linksradikalismus in der Pandemie. Il s'exprime pour la première fois face aux caméras d'"Envoyé spécial". He is the author, along with others, of this text on “things seen” of May and August 2020. We have seen, through the holes of nurses’ gowns, the intense do-it-yourself [bricolage] that masquerades as “our institutions.”. We have seen the champions of discredit try to cover up the jeers aimed at them by acclaiming those damned to wage labour. We have seen the emergence, with the effective house arrest of the greater part of the world’s population, of the ready-made new architecture of separation, where the absence of contact forms the condition for all relationships to be cybernetically mediated. Han dömdes mars 2020 för 28st fall av dataintrång, brott mot tystnadsplikten, narkotikabrott och tjä... För några månader sedan skrev vi på fb om att intresserade skulle höra av sig. We have been left with intuition and situated inquiry as the last practicable pathways of access to reality, as the roots of all logical reasoning. Articles contenant le mots-clefs: Julien Coupat. One of the key goals of the project […], The post This Week in Fascism #104: ‘White Lives Matter’ Claims It Will Ride Again, Neo-Nazis to Rally in Phoenix, TWIF Turns 2! We have seen the social withdraw more and more into the government, and the latter reduce itself to the purely hostile. We see the general desertion from this society, that is to say from the relationships that it commands, asserting itself as the measure of elementary survival without which nothing can be reborn. We have seen in the proliferation of intermediaries of all kinds – commercial as well as political, intellectual as well as health – the consequence of this lack of places. Orphisme et tragédie est son premier livre, paru en 1979, et d’entre tous certainement… INGET FÖRLÅTET! We have seen in all its nakedness the tight network of dependencies upon which our lives are suspended. We have seen Marxists, bewildered that the “valets of capital” interrupt in the least its reproduction, choke on the fact that the clergy of the economy decides to block it even a little, in short: we have seen Marxists discover that the economy is not a raw and insurmountable datum, but a way of governing, and of producing, a certain type of human. And what a year’s it’s been. Government and self-government are united, arise from the same system. Snutar skyddar varandra, så Jörgen kunde begå övergrepp och kräkningar, ofta påtänd, under en lång tid. We have seen the usual slackers inventing the heroism of “frontline fighters” as the ultimate hiding place for themselves. Simplement l’un des plus grands penseurs italiens du XXème siècle, aussi souvent pillé que rarement cité. The strike comes in the wake of an International Day of Action that took place on […], salvador.jpg A book review of an anthology of writings about the Catalan Anarchist Salvador Puig Antich. We are not aiming for a new society, but a new geography. We have seen the French state, so commonly struck with grandiosity like all that is French, reduced to its real status as a failed state. Dies kann - so das LG - nur dadurch verhindert werden, dass man sich ausdrücklich von diesen Inhalten distanziert. We have seen, in the United States, the police curfew take over from sanitary confinement, and the tracking applications imagined “for Covid” serve to track down rioters. Quand la ville se tait, Chronique d'une sidération est écrit entre mars et juin 2020. We have seen it incapable, in these “exceptional circumstances”, of doing anything other than mobilising, that is, exploiting the last subjective resources to the point of exhaustion. David Dufresne. We have seen the most elementary freedom of bourgeois constitutions – the freedom to come and go – abolished at the snap of a finger. We have seen, with global confinement, the socialisation of the virtual respond to the virtualisation of the social. ... Julien Coupat, interpellé à Paris, ne fera finalement l’objet que d’un rappel à la loi. We do not intend to convert these last to our views: they have hampered us enough with their damn blindness. It is likely to personally challenge a few of you out there who may yourself be dipping a toe in the pond of indigeneity, trying it out to see how it feels. We have seen Macron peacefully appropriating the May Day of the workers and the happy days of the Conseil National de la Résistance – CNR, and the leftists mimetically claiming its legacy, rather than concluding that it has definitively expired. La juge d'instruction a décidé de renvoyer en corectionnelle huit militants libertaires, dont Julien Coupat, le leader du "groupe de Tarnac, soupçonnés d'avoir saboté des lignes TGV. We have seen the United States, France or Italy declare an inevitably implacable war on an enemy that is of course invisible, and mimic Chinese power. We have seen a government promulgate new habits overnight, such as the correct way to greet each other and even enact a “new normal”. Die Ermordung von Daunte Wright: Kooptation und Revolte : Ein Jahr nach dem George-Floyd-Aufstand: Was hat sich geändert? Mai 1998 - 312 O 85/98 - "Haftung für Links" hat das Landgericht (LG) Hamburg entschieden, dass man durch das Setzen eines Links, die Inhalte der gelinkten Seite ggf. Quand la ville se tait, Chronique d'une sidération est écrit entre mars et juin 2020. […], This zine is not going to be comfortable for some people to read. We have watched, for weeks on end, the endless television sketch of masks, tests and places in intensive care. We have witnessed the meteoric inflation of a specific type of technology: those that Kafka said we will perish by because they “multiply the ghostly among men.”. It is not addressed to the artists and other people who don’t make enough profit to merit the right to exist. Le 11 novembre 2008, vingt personnes sont arrêtées à Paris, Rouen, dans la Meuse et à Tarnac (Corrèze) après des sabotages de ligne SNCF à répétition. Tribune — Culture et idées Covid : choses vues. We have seen in the level of technological equipment possessed by each the condition to endure a seclusion which, ten years ago, would have been felt as intolerable – a little like the introduction of television in prisons put an end to the great revolts there. Lorenzo is the author of Anarchism and the Black Revolution which he wrote […], Veteran activist and writer Tom Wetzel enters the wide ranging debate on the left around the “rank and file strategy” orientation to the labor movement. The IWW wants to strengthen and embolden our trans, non-binary and genderqueer comrades by bringing visibility to their struggle. We have seen the sad passion of being well governed as always having to be disappointed. Les Dernières Nouvelles Sur Julien Coupat Violences policières : le combat d’Assa Traoré relancé Le Comité Adama, qui a réuni 20 000 personnes le 2 juin à Paris malgré l’interdiction de manifester, espère réitérer la performance ce samedi We have seen the metropolis, once it faded as the theater of our distractions, reveal itself as a panoptic space for police control. Over the course of the last year we have struggled […], We are a group of people who, back in february 2020, held an all-day railroad blockade in so-called Lennoxville, Quebec, on stolen Abenaki land, in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en land defenders and against the ongoing violence of colonialism. We have seen the ruthless governmentality of China being pointed out more as an enemy, while it actually serves as a model. He was born on June 4, 1974 in Bordeaux. First off, can you believe this column has been coming out for now two years straight? Par Propos recueillis par Julien MORIN J.M. They threatened to evict Liebig34 on Friday, October 9 at … Continue reading →, [Prisiones chilenas] Palabras del compañero Juan Aliste Vega ante la partida de Pedro Villarroel See also: In Memory of Pedro Villarroel We’re love at war. We saw accordingly a concept born to respond to the Chicago race riots of 1919 mobilised to freeze the 2019 wave of global insurgency. La Fabrique Eds. Then, refining the plan: “If we are to build a future economy and education system based on tele-everything, we need a fully connected population and ultrafast infrastructure. You can do that with a donation here, or by ordering stickers, posters, t-shirts , hoodies or one of the other items here or click at the image below. A year after the George Floyd Uprising, what has changed—and what can we learn? Fox, OAN and other fascist propaganda outlets have tried to pick, Following on from reports of pickets at Hinckley Point in Somerset against deskilling by construction firms, the Liverpool Anarchist newsletter looks further at that and linked protests which have been taking place 200 miles to the north. Bilingual Website Launched in Solidarity with Yaqui Political Prisoner Fidencio Aldama Pérez, “What I Saw Was Not Tucson”: The George Floyd Uprising in Tucson, AZ, Deliveroo workers to strike over exploitative practices and low pay, What Work Steals from Us : Steal Something from Work Day 2021, Lo Que el Trabajo Nos Roba : Día de Robar Algo en el Trabajo 2021. What have we seen in the last six months, since the emergence of the virus, since the avalanche of transformations it has produced? Textes de Patrick Drevet et Julien Coupat. We have seen that it was futile, in this matter, to distinguish between state organisations and private data brokers, between those who hold the securities and those who have the levers.

Bernard Poirette Actualités, Jean-claude Götting Et Karen Cheryl, Maire De Pantin 2019, Christine Kelly Cnews, Je N'ai Pas Pu Vous Envoyer, Livres Prix Goncourt,