Verified Email. [no comment] "I'm a Muslim and I'm told I'm a terrorist. الصور تتحدث في حد ذاتها. Ukraine's president has told Euronews there is no time to lose in resolving tensions in the east of the country. Euronews English. Get the picture without the commentary. No agenda, no slant. No Comment | euronews: διεθνείς ειδήσεις με εικόνες χωρίς σχολιασμό. Thousands of truckers and travellers remained stranded at the UK's Dover port on Christmas Eve, held up by the slow delivery of the coronavirus tests now demanded by France. If yes, hug me?" Is eastern Ukraine slipping back into a full-blown war? A Murmanszk környéki Lovozeróban drónról rögzítették a rénszavarvasok körözését. Több száz zarándok ünnepelte a Baiszákhit, a hindu napújévet egy észak-pakisztáni templomban. The most striking videos from around the world, without commentary. International and European news images without commentary. No Comment, Euronews. Euronews English posted a video to playlist Popular videos. Uncovering lost Egyptian city 'the most important discovery' since King Tut's tomb, These small Italian islands could be COVID-free for summer 2021. I trust you, do you trust me? It is jointly owned by several European and North African public and state-owned broadcasting organizations, and is currently majority-owned (88%) by Media Globe Networks, led by … No Comment | euronews: international news images without commentary. no comment. No Comment Ισραήλ: Η χώρα ακινητοποιήθηκε για δύο λεπτά της ώρας κατά την Ημέρα του Ολοκαυτώματος Βίντεο από τα επεισόδια και τις καταστροφές στη Βόρεια Ιρλανδία [no comment] Hobby horse enthusiasts from all over Finland gathered in Vantaa on Saturday for annual championships. what's this? Le mag, Life, Postcards, Hi-tech, Urban Visions, Brussels Bureau,... Retrouvez les dernières actus de vos magazines préférés Retrouvez toute l'information internationale sans commentaire - Visionnez les vidéos No Comment d'Euronews et faites-vous votre propre opinion. Ελληνικά. Raul Castro confirms he's resigning, ending long era in Cuba, Merkel calls for uniform set of COVID restrictions across Germany, Pakistan briefly blocks social media access after anti-French protests, Turkey has just banned using cryptocurrencies for payments, All the details of Prince Philip's COVID-friendly, 'no fuss' farewell, UK reports 77 cases of COVID variant first detected in India, EU's Michel 'hasn't slept well' since chair gaffe in Turkey, Meet the town in war-hit Ukraine hoping to change its name to New York, Ukraine wants to speed up joining NATO to send 'real signal to Russia', Denmark among first in Europe to introduce COVID pass scheme, Orbán, Salvini and Morawiecki form new right-wing European alliance. Körülbelül 100 Alitalia-dolgozó követelte Rómában, hogy az olasz állam adjon több támogatást a betegeskedő nemzeti légitársaságnak. What is vaccine tourism and is it ethical? Bienvenue sur la chaine YouTube officielle d'Euronews 24 heures sur 24, notre équipe constituée de 500 journalistes de plus de 30 nationalités différentes vous informe en toute impartialité, au-delà des titres et des points de vue en Europe et dans le monde. L’actualité en image et sans commentaires. With 400 journalists and correspondents of more than 30 nationalities, euronews is available 24/7 in 13 language editions. Two years of work to restore Paris' Notre Dame Cathedral | In pictures, 1/3 of COVID patients suffer brain disorders within 6 months - study, From hero to outcast: The grim fate of migrants returning to Guinea, How a small Cape Verde island became an LGTBI oasis in Africa, Cry like a Boy: because being tough all the time hurts, Podcast | Growing up with absent fathers in the ghost of apartheid, Here's why UK's Yorkshire Dales is the 'best national park in Europe', This year's World Press Photo winners are teaching us about our planet, North Korea marks Kim Il Sung's birth with evening gala, Pakistan temporarily blocks social media access after anti-French protests, From empty pubs to working hubs: Ireland encourages remote work to repopulate rural areas, Europe's week: Vaccine ups and downs, 'Sofagate' and Ukraine conflict, Meet the local communities starting a renewable energy revolution, Windsor prepares for Prince Philip's funerals, Youngsters to vote for best film at European Film Academy awards, Check out these video clips of the snow in Europe right now, Gustavo Dudamel's blazing Otello takes Barcelona by storm, Italy moves toward slow reopening with outdoor dining, Hunger-striking Navalny describes threats to force-feed him, 'Peaky Blinders' actress Helen McCrory dies of cancer at 52, New audio app Clubhouse 'has significant problems with moderation', Former leader of far-right Austrian party arrested for corruption, Sweden to ease COVID-19 restrictions for those who've been vaccinated, Disgraced US financier Bernie Madoff dies in prison, EU's top court rules against Ryanair over airlines' COVID bailouts. Euronews was born out of a will to create a strong independent European news channel in 1993. Euronews is the most watched news channel in Europe. 'High probable' the EU will ditch its AstraZeneca contract - minister. A blindfolded man held up a sign with this message during vigils in Paris. Mystery animal sighting in Krakow ends up being a croissant. المشاهد الأكثر تعبيراًً من كل مكان في العالم, صور لم تشاهد بعد وبصوتها الطبيعي- قم أنت بالخلاصة How many vaccine doses have arrived in EU countries? We cover world news from a European perspective, since 1993. Visionnez les derniers No Comment pour vous faire votre propre opinion sur l’information internationale. euronews-english 2,337 post karma 946 comment karma send a private message. Euronews is a pan-European pay television news network, headquartered in Lyon, France.The network began broadcasting on 1 January 1993 and aimed to cover world news from a pan-European perspective.. NO COMMENT | Un barco "volador" de escaso consumo surca las olas en el Lago Mayor Por Euronews • última actualización: 16/04/2021 - 23:09 euronews_icons_loading No comment: az Alitalia koporsójával demonstráltak. Latest breaking news available as free video on demand. Stay informed on European and world news about economy, politics, diplomacy… with Euronews. Live debate: Will work ever be the same again? #NoComment. The storming of the Capitol by a pro-Trump mob marked the disparity in the way police treat Black and White protesters. What is the IATA travel pass and what does it mean for travellers? No comment is brought to you by euronews, Europe's most watched news channel. remember me reset password. EuroNews - No Comment Kirkuk, Iraq [Source] Euronews (in English) is the English version of Euronews which is a French pay for (Cable) television station in Europe that covers the continent from a pan-European perspective. No Comment is based on Euronews' belief that "the role of a news channel should provide its audience with enough information to form their own view of the world". No Comment on demand video is available on, Euronews mobile apps, on and on our YouTube channel: No Comment TV, Images of tributes to Prince Philip in the streets of Windsor as the town prepares for the funerals of Queen Elizabeth's husband, dead at 99, Windsor prepares for Prince Philip's funerals, Florida: 15,000 cereal boxes toppled to honour school employee, Preparations at Windsor Castle for Prince Philip funeral, Ancient Scottish village in France mourns death of Prince Philip, Blue Origin conducts test launch in Texas, Airline workers protest against possible Alitalia layoffs, Hundreds of Sikh pilgrims converge in northwest Pakistan, Minnesota police shooting: riots erupt in Portland and enter second night in Brooklyn Center, London Zoo reopens to public after latest lockdown closure, Saudi's Ta'if residents keep folklore war dance alive, Mexican village forms 'self-defence' group amid armed gang threat, Fire ravages historic factory in St Petersburg, Restaurant owners scuffle with police in Rome lockdown protest, Volcanic eruption and gas from Iceland volcano, Massive fire in historic Saint Petersburg factory, Protesters angry over US police shooting of Black man forcefully dispersed, Pilgrims bathe in the Ganges despite India Covid surge, Opera singer offers home concerts in order to fill the performing void, Russians launch miniature rockets to celebrate Yuri Gagarin. redditor for 1 year. Szakértők szerint acsordában élő állatok a körözéssel óvják a fiatalokat és a nőstényeket. no comment Réunion : spectacle captivant, sur les pentes du Piton de la Fournaise L'île de Saint-Vincent sous d'épaisses cendres après l'éruption de son volcan Subscribe - and let the pictures do the talking. Stay up to date with Euronews. No Comment TV: The most striking videos from around the world, without commentary.Subscribe - and let the pictures do the talking.No comment is brought to you by euronews, Europe's most watched news … Aktuelle Nachrichtenbilder, unkommentiert in euronews einzigartigem Programm No Comment. login. Copenhagen - Denmark - EuroNews - No Comment - Duration: 1:09. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Do some COVID vaccines affect women differently? A year before the vote, who is bidding to be France's next president? 1:09. Ireland encourages remote work to repopulate rural areas, This is how much you could get paid to visit Malta this summer, Residents of Bucharest’s crumbling buildings live in fear of earthquake threat, Chef Himanshu Saini’s khichuri is like a culinary tour of India, The two family-owned businesses in Angola beating the pandemic, How EU enlargement apathy could push Kosovo and Albania to join forces. A Haszan Abdal városában található Gurdvára Pandzsáb Szahib zarándokhely a szikhek számára is szent hely. No Comment TV 459,523 views. Language: English Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help get them help and support. Slavia’s Kúdela banned for 10 games by UEFA for 'racist behaviour', Vandoorne bounces back from disappointment to take Formula E Round 4 in Rome, Vergne displays perfect timing to win opening race of Rome E-Prix double-header, These are the 11 most beautiful solar farms in the world, Norway's public health institute recommends axing AstraZeneca jab, Video shows US teen, 13, wasn't holding gun when shot dead by police, EU countries express interest in Denmark's AstraZeneca vaccines, Catch the spring vibe with these vintage pictures of Parisians, Russians remember their space hero, Yuri Gagarin, US rapper and actor DMX dies of massive heart attack aged 50, Meet the buyer of the world's most expensive digital artwork, Pfizer CEO says third COVID jab 'likely' needed within 12 months, Getting jabs to world’s hardest-to-reach people is a huge task | View. This is the reaction he received. Make up your own mind on what's happening around the world. Yong people dance outside in Pyongyang to mark the so-called Day of the Sun, commemorating the birthday of former President Kim Il Sung on 15 April 1912, Read more from our international journalists, We must act fast to ease tensions in eastern Ukraine, says Zelenskyy, Biden calls on Putin to 'de-escalate tensions' with Ukraine, Russia says buildup at Ukraine border is a response to NATO 'threats'. One-Year Club. TROPHY CASE. News - Your daily dose of information: European and international latest breaking news, economic news, business news and more. Related Videos. No Comment in VoD Product description. This year's event took place in a packed sports hall, attracting around 1,000 spectators. Two years on, how is restoration of Paris' Notre-Dame Cathedral going? no comment Manto branco a perder de vista em praia polaca Na Polónia, residentes e visitantes da cidade de Miedzyzdroje foram surpreendidos com um belo …
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