Growth Pillar, marketing, renewables and energy solutions. Closeup of Paul Stein. We aim to double our loyalty membership-, 3D animation of a future Shell retail site, We will evolve our services to provide more of what our customers need at our retail sites now and in the future. The words powering lives appear beside the symbol. Shell’s new net zero strategy is “grotesque” and includes an “impossible” reliance on tree-planting, campaigners have claimed. It will help us evolve our portfolio, from commodity chemicals to products that are priced on the value they bring to end consumers. Closeup of Geraldine Wessing. The stylised clasped hands appear beside Ben van Beurden, with the words generating shareholder value. Change to time-lapse of a plane being parked and boarded. Title: Strategy Day 2021 ‘Accelerating to Net-Zero’. Table showing desired changes that the speaker has been outlining. Change to fuel control panel on a wall. Importantly, we assess the risk profile of each project to ensure we are achieving returns above the cost of capital. Image of a Shell employee in a hard hat, wearing glasses and ear defenders. Shots of a solar park. We will end routine flaring by 2030 and we will keep our methane emissions below 0.2%. It says ‘Industry, energy consumption’, a globe with the word ‘Today’ on it and in a circle around the portion from small to bigger, ‘Bio Energy’. Mallika talking to the camera. Vector circle appears with project highlighted in yellow. Powering Progress delivers value for our shareholders, for our customers, and for wider society. Aerial picture of a suspension bridge carrying six lanes of traffic, with a city and mountains in the background. Change to brown grain being transported up a conveyor belt. This is a new name for our low-carbon businesses and includes our activities in Integrated Power, Hydrogen, Nature Based Solutions and CCS. Collaboration like that between Shell and Rolls-Royce is vital to enable aviation’s pathway to net-zero emissions. Line drawing of wind turbines labelled HKN, with arrows out to Amazon, trade to others, Shell, and convert to hydrogen. Shell’s strategy to accelerate the transition of our business to net-zero emissions, in step with society. Our aim is to supply at least 20% of global demand. With LNG, we built an integrated global business. The Paris accord is considered crucial to avoid an irreversible climate crisis. Today more than half our gross margin in retail and lubricants comes from differentiated offerings, like premium fuels and premium lubricants, fleet solutions and convenience retail. A hand draws a question mark on a blackboard. Medium shot of female staff looking at her computer with subsurface data on it. So, in this context, we are reviewing material portfolio options for onshore oil. Plans for our assets are under way. Change to a concord taking off and flying above a green field. Zooming in on Shell Hydrogen filling station. Zooming out on a big city seen from above. Power as a service. Cut to aerial view of many ships. By developing a world-leading LNG refuelling network, improving efficiency through advanced data analytics and marine lubricants, and offering our customers biofuels as part of their existing fuel mix. Up to 30% reduction in costs by 2025 compared with 2019. Closeup of a wind turbine with others visible in the background. Zoom in to closeup of Mallika Ishwaran. Serving more than 30 out of 42 LNG importing countries in the world. You have heard about our approach on carbon. Shot of a Fjord ship sailing. Closeup of ship's wake. Having a strong balance sheet provides financial strength for resilience and allows us to pursue opportunities. We are developing carbon budgets for those teams to motivate them to find value growth by substituting high-carbon income for low-carbon income. Footage of CCS plant overlayed with animations showing the CCS process. Sustainable aviation fuels. Wide shot of a Shell Lubricants truck standing in front of Shell lubricant storage tanks. Closeup of Mallika Ishwaran. Car is charging in front of a Shell Recharge filling point Man and woman walk around their electrical vehicle to start charging. Circular flow diagram with a line drawing of a chemical storage facility in the centre. With that, let me hand over to Ben to take you through our thinking on managing carbon. Change to a yellow DHL plane and many DHL staff on the ground. But despite this, Nigeria as a whole remains a heartland. Close-up of the tube being inspected. A graphic is superimposed with the Global Maritime Forum logo and name. A graphic beside her shows the globe surrounded by a CO2 symbol and some trees. Now, we will move on to explore how that approach combines with our approach to capital in our businesses. A forest with a text on it saying ‘Achieving Net-Zero Emissions. Overall, we expect this integrated power business to deliver an internal rate of return above 10%. Of course, everything we do, we focus on improving inclusion and representation in four areas. They are tasked with either maximising cash generation or developing to the point that they may become core positions. Shell has three pillars to its business, pillars that give us strength. Medium shots of male traders behind computers with a facemasks. Let's hear from them. Our scale, reach, Brand strength and trading capability set us up to succeed. A billboard along the road shows people walking on city road at night. The graphic and a screen showing a wind turbine are in the foreground. This includes supporting government policies to reduce carbon emissions sector by sector. Renewables will replace much of that and natural gas will have its role too, both in power generation and in industry. Shell is becoming an energy business for the future, and it's playing its part to help drive that change. containing text. Paul Stein, Chief Technology Officer, Rolls-Royce. ‘Hydro Electricity’, ‘Biomass’, ‘Nuclear’, ‘Wind’ and ‘Solar’. And we have an expected level of project returns for each of our businesses. And once that science-based target accounting method is established, we intend to use it. Geraldine talking to the camera. Medium shot of a captain on a ship smiling brightly. We need to work side by side because no one entity can do this alone. Shot of a retail worker Helping customer at the filling station. President of Global Aviation, Shell. But I can share my long-term vision for Shell. Tracking shot of a retail Shell employee walking up to a customer in her car to be of service. Shell’s purpose is to power progress together by providing more and cleaner energy solutions. We will take new opportunities to grow and become even more competitive, and even more resilient, and as we take those opportunities, we aim to be a compelling investment case for our shareholders, and also, a company that brings value to society. We will grow volumes and markets. Aerial of 2 workers walking between solar panels in Oman solar farm. Close up of Shell app being used on a smartphone. A rooftop with solar panels, camera rising up revealing city scape. World map graphic to show where chemical facilities are as well as 6 new Chemical & Energy parks. Cut to shot of hut with a solar panel. A fly over on a busy street in a large city with on both side skyscrapers. The words production, supply, technology and policy development are superimposed. But, after 2025, we do not anticipate entries into new frontier exploration positions. Next to them a text says‘Powering lives’. Paul Stein. of Upstream’s capital expenditure, and the majority of Upstream’s human and technical resources. A city view with a big billboard showing a grid of 9 speakers, in the middle frame Mallika start to talk and is zoomed in to a full screen view. In black and white, a historic aircraft is in a field filled with spectators. Our energy product mix will be dominated by low and no carbon energy, such as renewable power, biofuels, and hydrogen. Workmen laying bitumen on a road. So the question is, what could this energy system look like? First, avoid emissions, second, reduce emissions, and only then turn to mitigation. Medium shot of two construction workers at Appomattox looking at project drawings. Mallika Ishwaran, Senior Economist, Shell. The project level is about how we evaluate and prioritise investment opportunities. Sequence of shots showing HGV on the road driving to a Shell LNG retail station and the process of filling the HGV with LNG. The latter one is by far the biggest. Chief Technology Officer, Rolls-Royce. Our goal. Close up of Ben’s face. Maarten on the left and Robin on the right. Robin now appears full frame in front of a shelving and some glass doors. Shell’s strategy includes plans to reduce the carbon intensity of the energy it produces by 20% before the end of the decade, by producing less oil and more renewable energy, and further steps to become a carbon neutral company by 2050. Cut to aerial shot from above the clouds of the sun sinking below them. Medium shot of man with glasses and a cap standing proudly in front of a helicopter. And we are working with organisations like the Science-Based Target Initiative, working to develop a standard approach to emissions accounting that is fit for the oil and gas industry. We will also review positions that continue to be challenged from an environmental perspective, and a particular point of attention is onshore oil in Nigeria. Now, let's take a look at our Transition pillar, starting with Integrated Gas. Between our opportunities to increase margins and the options that we have to invest for growth, we will increase our chemicals cash generation by $1-2 billion a year by 2030. The oil major today revealed an “accelerated” strategy to reduce oil production and decarbonise its products by 2050. They will have a stronger link to broader economic growth. What we look for in a fuel partner is reliability, scale and trust. The pilot is sitting in the cockpit and a male is walking away from the aircraft. Melissa Williams, VP Marine, Sectors and Decarbonisation, Shell. As the saying goes, people who do not plan far enough for future would inevitably come into trouble at hand. A solar panel next to a forest cabin. Cut to shot of a government assembly. In the most ambitious scenario, Sky 1.5, the average global temperature rises above, and is then limited to, 1.5˚Celsius above pre-industrial levels before the end of this century. Shots of employee in the garage operating the column lift, Shell’s domain knowledge and expertise has helped us-, -with many of our key initiatives including. Closeup of Bud Darr. Through these digitally-enabled platforms, we are providing services to simplify and to accelerate our customers' decarbonisation journey, offering a truly flexible solution with real customer value. Medium shot of windmill park with mountains in the background. Renewables and energy solutions, one fifth Australia's commercial and industrial electricity supply. I will take you through all three. Natural gas emits less than one-tenth of the air pollutants and 45-55% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than coal, when used for electricity. Change to aerial view of a freight ship moving under a bridge. So, for all our operated oil and gas assets -, Shot of three workmen in hard hats looking at a tablet. Fast train appearing from a tunnel, seen from above. Footage of Turitella oil rig ship at sea. Our businesses include more than-. Shot of an electric vehicle being recharged at a Shell station. It is well-lit and has two people walking towards an aircraft. But even so, to make real progress, Shell must change what we sell. Shot of the sun shining through clouds. Cut to forest scene. Next to is a drawing of a globe with H2 underneath it. Change to an electric small aircraft sitting on a tarmac airfield. Night shot of a port with containers being loaded onto a ship. While the energy transition is inevitable, it will proceed at different paces in different places and sectors and with different degrees of turbulence. Let's bring this to life with our Rotterdam energy hub concept. An extremely busy train platform. Two people looking and pointing at a screen with graphs. Shot of 3D Sub sea exploration scanning data on screen. Multiple views of the fluid in glass beakers. Opex no higher than $35 billion. A man in safety gear uses a tablet device against a backdrop of industrial equipment. Close up of the US map shown on the big screen. to capitalise on our industry-leading brand, strong customer relationships and unrivalled marketing platform. Hydrogen also offers a route to lowering emissions. The energy system must change faster, and change is opportunity. But these technologies aren’t suited to long-haul flights. Aerial shot of a very green mountain landscape. A globe with the word ‘Today’ on it and in a circle around the portion from small to bigger, ‘Coal Fuels’. In Q3, we announced we are transforming 14 refining sites to six high-value Energy and Chemicals Parks. Building on the success of our base and intermediate Chemicals business, we will meet increased customer demand for sustainable performance chemicals by adding new products through our Pennsylvania facility-, Sustainable performance chemicals by adding new products. A multi-rotor helicopter in a hangar. Followed by Adam talking to the camera. Marketing, premium fuels and lubricants, fleet solutions, convenience retail. Change to multiple ships on the sea. A product mix that we will develop in partnership with sectors that use the energy, from biofuels in aviation, hydrogen for heavy duty transport, renewable power for homes and businesses. Shell employee, masked talking to another person in vision. Followed by a close up of a smiling young woman looking up to skyscrapers with projected faces on them. Shell today set out its strategy to accelerate its transformation into a provider of net-zero emissions energy products and services, powered by growth in its customer-facing businesses. Cut to shot of a city at night from street level. Shot in slow motion of an out of focus customer is passing some shelves in a Shell retail station. Shell scenarios explore a range of possible futures to help make better decisions today, for tomorrow. And we must act now. And we will make our investments go further by partnering with others as we grow a material position in renewable generating capacity. Closeup of Geraldine Wessing. We have proven financial delivery. But to meet the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement, change needs to happen faster. And at the same time, we will produce more low-carbon fuels and performance chemicals. And, in some cases, such as onshore Egypt and the Philippines, we will simply divest. Shareholder activists say cleaner energy transition fails to meet Paris climate goals and they will put rival scheme to oil firm’s AGM, Last modified on Fri 16 Apr 2021 00.23 EDT. Several shots of more people in the different departments working on their computers. And we include this because, over this timeframe, we believe society will be working towards net zero. Words appear to emphasise points the speaker is making. Zooming in on his face and changing to the view of the camera he is talking to. That's what I believe we do, and we should continue to do. Shot of a path lined with palm trees. And finally, our Nature Based Solutions business. The rest of our portfolio will be managed on a leaner operating model to focus on short- to medium-term value delivery. A roof bearing solar panels. Shot of man in safety gear up a pole working on a wind turbine. We will also strengthen the balance sheet, reducing net debt to $65 billion. Our newest scenarios, Waves, Islands and Sky 1.5, are all on a path towards net-zero CO₂ emissions, with energy systems eventually dominated by renewables. Shell Strategy Day 2021. This metric tracks the total amount of carbon dioxide associated with each megajoule of energy consumed. We also believe the world needs to use technology to mitigate emissions. As we said at Q3, while our net debt is above $65 billion, we plan to invest $19-22 billion a year, which will be allocated across our portfolio. Power grid lines from different angles followed by Mallika talking to the camera. Several views of a container ship at port, at sea heading towards the camera, and from the air. A disciplined cash allocation framework and rigorous approach to driving down carbon emissions will deliver value for shareholders, customers and wider society. Shot of HGV on column lifts in a garage. And of course, they're only possible through the commitment of our incredible teams and people. and distributor of biofuels in the world, we will continue to invest in, and grow, Sequence of shots showing HGV with sugarcane driving and unloading sugarcane in a sugarcane plant where it is being processed. But we believe the world can achieve net-zero CO₂ emissions to meet the goal of Paris, if industry, government and society work together to make the right choices now. Anna Mascolo. I will take you through each in turn now, starting with our goal to generate shareholder value. Mallika talking to the camera. Shell is also the world leader in gas-to-liquids – GTL. Words appear below repeating some of the speaker's words. Cut to shot of the sun shining through the forest canopy. So, how might we travel this journey? The planes are identified as glowing lights descending. An inset screen shows pylons in the sunset. Sinead…, Transition from a retail station to billboard reading: EV charging available here. Shot of a Shell retail station employee being handed the goods that the customer wants to buy. Sunlight is shining through the gaps between people. Moreover, we today announced that we are doubling the weighting of the energy transition condition in our long-term incentive share awards, affecting more than 16,500 employees. Follow This will put a rival climate proposal to shareholders at the AGM. We approach capital allocation at three levels, enterprise, portfolio and project. Pie chart labelled total emissions appears beside van Beurden, showing Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Cut to the side of the aircraft, moving along to see in each window. Close up of the woman’s hand pointing at the data. The words generating shareholder value appear beside the symbol. Closeup of mechanic working on airplane. And some of this transition is already well underway with the divestment and closure of non-core refining positions. At the enterprise level, we look to achieve the right balance between shareholder distributions today, and investing for value enhancing growth. Close up of computer monitors of drill ship operator. Ben talking to the camera from the office in The Hague. Artist's impression of future retail station. Marketing, 30 million retail customers every day across 46,000 sites today. There are silver pipes, stairs and containers. Change is con… Female sitting in a brightly decorated room, talking to the camera. Shell logo in bottom left of screen, Change to time-lapse of an airport airfield operating at night time. A graphic is superimposed, showing a stylised leaf and the words respecting nature. And I’m Elisabeth, Executive Vice President for Renewables and Energy Solutions. Medium panning and lifting shot of a Shell Hydrogen powered promotion car at the Shell Hydrogen gas station. Shot of a worker standing beside a truck. But let's start with Power. We will be done by 2030, if not sooner. Aerial view of a city with older buildings overlooking a riverfront, skyscrapers in the background. A pie chart with the globe in the centre shows the proportions of energy sources today. Staying with the Transition pillar, let's move on to Chemicals and Products. Faster progress needs pioneering leaders in government and businesses to act. These scenarios are used to help review and assess strategy. This will make our Upstream business a more competitive, resilient and rewarding place to work. Footage of Penske HGV with trailer driving. Shell’s infrastructure, systems integration, experience and people put us in an exceptional position to profitably meet the current and future needs of our customers, helping them and society decarbonise for a net-zero emissions future. Our purpose, to power progress together by providing more and cleaner energy solutions. It also means continuing to raise standards in safety, ethics and transparency -. through our digital loyalty platforms and spend on average seven times more than other customers. A jumbo jet flies towards and over the camera, over some palm trees. Hand drawing question mark on a blackboard. These positions currently generate more than 80% of Upstream’s operating cash flow. The shot zooms in to the leaf. View of sunset out of porthole. How might we evolve towards this future? A graphic beside her shows the globe surrounded by a solar panel, a wind turbine, and recycling symbols. Sequence of close up shots of nozzles being taken out their holders. Through our Transition pillar, we are flexible and will deliver a sustainable flow of cash. In addition, we are looking to build projects with shorter payback periods that are resilient to lower prices. Over time, the balance of capital spending will shift away from Upstream towards the businesses in our Growth pillar. Listening to customers allows us to offer bespoke, convenient and cost-competitive energy solutions, helping them to decarbonise their own homes, communities, businesses, and sectors. A view of a Shell LNG station. Through our progressive dividend and share buybacks, we target total distributions to shareholders of 20-30% of our cash flow from operations. Lights popping on in the cabin. Put simply, it is going to take ambitious orchestration of government policy, investment and sector co-operation. Collaboration like that between Shell and Rolls Royce is vital to enable aviation's pathway to net-zero emissions. And, ultimately, the changes will depend on where we can find business value as our customers move towards net zero. So, we will change. Natural gas also has a pathway to net-zero emissions -. People stood around a large screen, in a modern office lab. This is our great task of the next 30 years. There is a row of planes parked near the front of the image. - thanks to biogas, carbon capture and storage and nature based carbon off-sets. Four Shell co-workers in a red overall walking on a power plant. A carbon capture pipeline that reads ‘CO2 to Pipeline’ is shown. Geraldine shown from the side, in front of her a graph appears with CO2 emissions. We aim to capture a double-digit market share of global clean hydrogen sales. Upstream never stands still and to meet the challenge of transformation, we will focus our portfolio-, VP, Strategy and Portfolio, Upstream, Shell. Our mission. View of a container ship with wind turbines and a sunset in the background. Change to montage of freight ships carrying containers, in the sea. And we want to be one of those leading companies. And this is a huge challenge that affects everyone because the world needs energy to improve lives. Followed by an indoor shot of 3 kids lying on the floor reading and drawing. And through our Upstream pillar, we deliver value to shareholders, provide vital energy supplies to society and fund the transformation of our portfolio. And for the most senior leaders, this means an increase in weighting from 10% to 20%. Finally, it means providing lower carbon products to our customers and the world. Change to an airfield and partial view of an airplane wing. BUD DARR, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT MARITIME POLICY AND GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS, MSC GROUP. There's no one single solution that's going to work for that entire spectrum of needs. Electric aircraft and hybrid technology undoubtedly have a part to play, as does hydrogen. Several shots of Appomattox under construction. Another wind turbine is turning around followed by happy people smiling and clapping their hands. They also require up-front development and commodity price risk-taking. The diagram described previously is shown again. Serving customers with net-zero energy solutions. The shot Tilts down and is followed by an indoor shot of Ben van Beurden looking out of a window. And I’m Zoe, Executive Vice President Conventional Oil & Gas here at Shell. The graph changes to show a net-zero emissions scenario. A panel of three photos representing the three pillars. ‘Biomass’, ’Solar’, ‘Oil’ ‘Wind’, ‘Nuclear’, ‘Hydro Electricity’, Natural Gas’ and ‘Coal’. And this coalition has a view on the recipe the aviation sector needs. Aerial and medium shots of several HGV’s driving.Shot of a man behind a computer showing 3D modelling animations of a car. If all parties work together, we can decarbonise aviation and continue to enjoy the immense benefits of flight. Additionally, with renewable generation assets, once the asset is built, our equity investment can be reduced, while we still control the electrons. Powering Progress means partnering with others to reduce carbon emissions, especially in sectors that are hard to decarbonise. And this is a coalition of leading airlines, airports, aircraft and engine manufacturers, and also fuel providers. In the front is a small billboard with a wind turbine. Rolls Royce and Shell have collaborated for over 100 years, pioneering technology, fuels and infrastructure that have shaped commercial aviation. Yes, our legacy assets and resource positions may fade in the picture of our financial success, but they would be replaced by the value generated from our strong market positions, built on our advanced products and relationships with customers. To achieve Sky 1.5, unavoidable emissions are removed from industrial processes or from the atmosphere using both technology and nature. Change to close up of an aircraft engine, the blue body of the plane can be seen. The whole of Shell is changing to be more focused, more resilient and more competitive. Graph labelled carbon intensity showing required reductions.
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